On Monday the 'Napoleon of the world's magicians' arrives in the Colony and will stay one week. This magician is from England and had made various performance before the Kings and presidents. His first part of the program is called 'creation and the second part will have a…
People crowded to the Theatre Royal on Saturday Night for watching the amazing entertainment from 'The Great Thurston' show. One of the works done by Thurston, was showing pictures by Edisonograph.
The writer congrats Mr. Thurston, assisted by Winfield Blacke and Miss Maude Amber, on filling the theatre Royal on Saturday evening. He filled the theatre 'as we have never seen it filled before,' entertained the audience for 2.5 hours. The magician's card trick is wonderful, and…
The boards of the theatre at the City Hall have held the entertainment given by the Great Thurston and his company. The cinematograph was also an element for a good deal of the amusement, some of the pictures being exceedingly funny.
A crowded house patronised the Great Thurston on Saturday evening and was as mystified as ever Thurston alone was well worth the money, but mention must also be made of the clever vocal comedy of Miss Maud Amber and Mr. Winfield Blake, not to mention the roaring laughter created by the moving…
The Great Thurston is back in town after a somewhat triumphal tour North, and gives a series of performances at the Ko Shing Theatre, commencing tomorrow night.
The performances will open at Friday, August 3rd. Prices: Best Seats $2 & $1, Back Seats 60 Cents. Tickets for reserved seats at New Connaught Hotel.
The Great Thurston will give several performances at the Ko Shing Theatre (Queen's Road West). Opening Friday, August 3rd.
World's master magician and Entire Company gave several performances
As will be seen from our Advertisement columns, Thurston, the great magicians, and his company, have decided to open tonight at Ko Shing Theatre. The performance will be continued for one week. Thousands of the Chinese will be mystified by the entertainment for which Mr. Thurston is responsible…
World's master magician and Entire Company gave several performances
Mr. Harold Evelyn (Ben Hur) will give a private demonstration of physical culture, feats of strength, etc., at the Hongkong Cinematograph tomorrow evening.
In addition to the liberal programme of interesting pictures shown at the Hongkong Cinematograph, which is under new management, Mr. Harold F. Evelyn, a New Zealander, gave a display of feats of strength and showed by keeping time to music the great command he has of each muscle.
On May 25, 1st and 2nd series of 'Who's Guilty,' Puppets of Fate and A Tight Rein; Pathe's British & American Gazettes; comics: 'The Cash Girl's Lovers' and 'Lonesome Luke'; Cartoons in the Country; on May 29, the great inspiring romance 'The…
On June 8, 5th and 6th series of 'Who's Guilty,' 'Sold Out' and 'Sowing the Wind'; Pathe's British Gazette; 'Luke Joins the Navy,' cartoon comics; on Jun 21, grand benefit matinee.
On June 29, Pathe colour feature: 'Hands from the Shadow' in 3 parts; 11th series of 'Who's Guilty' (The Lost Paradise); Pathe's American Gazette; The Great War; 'Lonesome Luke' (comedy); Keystone comedy.
On Aug 10, an astounding weekend programme, 1st and 2nd episodes of Pathe's greatest serial, 'The Shielding Shadow,' 'Treasure Trove' and 'Into the Depths'; Pathe's American Gazette; comics: 'Luke & the Mermaids,' 'The Leading Lady…
There was a claim for hire of cinematograph films and for posters brought by Harold Seth against the Hongkong Cinematograph Theatre.
On Nov 13, Jackie Saunders in the 'Grip of Evil,' fate & the underworld; instructive: 'A Study of Birds'; interesting: Annals of the War; comics: 'Luke Late Lunchers' and 'Feeding the Kitty.'
On Nov 30, no performance at 9.15; on Dec 1, a great and powerful photoplay 'Princess Nadina' in 3 parts; 'Pathe's British Gazette,' 'Uncommon Insects,' 'Florence Rose Fashions,' and 'Luke on Tin Can Alley' in 2 parts, a bundle of laughs.…