On Monday the 'Napoleon of the world's magicians' arrives in the Colony and will stay one week. This magician is from England and had made various performance before the Kings and presidents. His first part of the program is called 'creation and the second part will have a…
The writer congrats Mr. Thurston, assisted by Winfield Blacke and Miss Maude Amber, on filling the theatre Royal on Saturday evening. He filled the theatre 'as we have never seen it filled before,' entertained the audience for 2.5 hours. The magician's card trick is wonderful, and…
A crowded house patronised the Great Thurston on Saturday evening and was as mystified as ever Thurston alone was well worth the money, but mention must also be made of the clever vocal comedy of Miss Maud Amber and Mr. Winfield Blake, not to mention the roaring laughter created by the moving…
Mr. Harold Evelyn (Ben Hur) will give a private demonstration of physical culture, feats of strength, etc., at the Hongkong Cinematograph tomorrow evening.
In addition to the liberal programme of interesting pictures shown at the Hongkong Cinematograph, which is under new management, Mr. Harold F. Evelyn, a New Zealander, gave a display of feats of strength and showed by keeping time to music the great command he has of each muscle.
The Hughes Musical Comedy Co. will present the farcical comedy 'A Night Off,.' If you don't laugh at this, you see the doctor. 'In Society,' the farcical comedy, which crowded the Shanghai Theatre, the Dutchman and the Jew at their best; solos by Mdme, Lloyd; booking at…
(Des Voeux Road Central) The Hughes Musical Comedy Co. at the Victoria Theatre with 'In Society.' Performances by The Dutchman and The Jew and Mdme Lloyd. Late trams are served. Booking at Moutrie's. Price details included.
Tonight the Hughes Musical Comedy Co. will present the farcical comedy 'In Society,' which crowded the Shanghai Theatre; the Dutchman and the Jew at their best, don't miss this show; solos by Mdme. Lloyd; booking at Moutrie's.
The productions staged at the Victoria Theatre under the auspices of Hughes American Musical Comedy Company have convulsed large audience with laughter. 'Society' was presented last night. The performance was offered by Messrs Paul Stanhope and Bert Le Blane, Madame Pearl Lloyd and Mr…
Last night, 'Two Men from Japan' was staged at Victoria Theatre. Madame Pearl Lloyd took part in the play and was responsible for songs. The Texas Tommy Dance was well received.
The war pictures 'The French troops in Argonne' will be staged in two parts, followed by the British Gazette No. 333 showing latest Paris fashions, and the coal strike, Messrs. Lloyd George, Arthur Henderson and Runciman at Cardiff. In addition, the most enthralling drama 'When…
The official cinematograph record of the first stage of 'The Battle of the Somme' is the real thing at last. Realistic sights were shown, including the wounded which some find it unbearable. Lloyd George's review included.
Red Haired Marie' formed the chief item of an excellent programme with pictures, Goldberg's cartoon 'The Fatal Peg' [sic] and 'Lonesome Mike' that was responsible for much mirth and representation of troubles a janitor meets during his avocation.
On May 25, 1st and 2nd series of 'Who's Guilty,' Puppets of Fate and A Tight Rein; Pathe's British & American Gazettes; comics: 'The Cash Girl's Lovers' and 'Lonesome Luke'; Cartoons in the Country; on May 29, the great inspiring romance 'The…
On June 8, 5th and 6th series of 'Who's Guilty,' 'Sold Out' and 'Sowing the Wind'; Pathe's British Gazette; 'Luke Joins the Navy,' cartoon comics; on Jun 21, grand benefit matinee.
Screening of 'Who's Guilty' (5th & 6th Series), Pathe's British Gazette, 'Luke Joins the Navy' (cartoon comics)
Screening of 'Who's Guilty' (5th & 6th Story), British and American Gazette, 'Home, Sweet Home' (comic cartoon by Goldberg) and 'Luke Joins the Navy' (comic scene played by Lonsome Luke); Matinees at Saturday and Sunday
Screening of 'Who's Guilty' (5th & 6th Story), British and American Gazette, 'Home, Sweet Home' (comic cartoon by Goldberg) and 'Luke Joins the Navy' (comic scene played by Lonsome Luke); Matinees at today and tomorrow
Tonight: Screening of 'Who's Guilty' (5th & 6th Series), Pathe's British Gazette, 'Luke Joins the Navy' (cartoon comics)
On June 29, Pathe colour feature: 'Hands from the Shadow' in 3 parts; 11th series of 'Who's Guilty' (The Lost Paradise); Pathe's American Gazette; The Great War; 'Lonesome Luke' (comedy); Keystone comedy.