Original action No. 262 of 1905 Chan Ip Shi v. the Wing Kee firm (Ko Shing Theatre) in the matter of the issue between Chan Ip Shi and Lau Shiu Cheun. It is noted that the Wing Kee firm had been carrying on the Ko Shing Theatre for a number of years.
The first day's play of the cricket match drew a big crowd of spectators. A Pretty Fete: Visitors obtained a good deal of fun from the excellent films shown by the Cinematograph Company, which usually exhibits in the hall attached to the Café Weismann. The moving pictures were flung onto a…
The Alexandra Cinema-Theatre is visiting Hong Kong. Their performance last night in a hall at No. 2 Zetland Street started shortly after eight. With the Manila String Band in attendance, and with Mr. Gongiles at the piano, the first performance was a song 'Honey Boy' by Miss Thelma.…
Hongkong is to have yet another cinematograph show, an arrangement has been made by Mr. Caslly [sic], an American gentleman, to open up such an establishment in Wyndham Street. It will be the endeavour of the proprietor to produce first-class performances, and patrons will be able to rely on an…
Mr F. Arnold, sub-manager of the Pathe Cinema Machine Co., summoned Mr V. D. Casley, of the Star Cinematograph, for an infringement of a trademark, belonging to the plaintiff company. Mr D. V. Steavenson, of Messrs Deacon, Looker and Deacon, appeared for the prosecution, and Mr Reader Harris, of…
The Piccadilly Circus in Sydney showed a film about a fight between Tommy Burns and Jack Johnson which was produced by Gaumont Studio in Sherwood-st. It was so realistic. The miracle worker is Mr. McIntosh, promoter and referee of the fight between Tommy Burns and Jack Johnson. Films of the…
Jeffries and Johnson: Mr. M'Intosh had tried to secure the management of the Jeffries-Johnson fight but failed. The feeling in certain parts of America, especially in Texas, where he had had some unique experiences with regard to the exhibition of the Burns-Johnson films, was very intense…
The event in December was the battle at Sydney Stadium between Bill Lang of Australia and Robert Fitzsimmons. Two sets of cinematograph pictures were taken. They will be exhibited in Sydney and Melbourne simultaneously, and should be well patronized by admirers of stoush; for if the pictures are…
The moving pictures exhibited in Shanghai of the S. V. C. Inspection and Church Parade served to attract quite a large number of the citizen soldiers.
The moving picture operators were very busy photographing the biggest crowd ever gathered to see a fight in the history of the prize-ring.
Mr. F. V. Guy, died of gunshot wounds sustained accidentally in chasing a panther. For cinematograph purposes, Mr. Guy, in company with an operator, took a tiger and a panther up to Kelantan to match them in a fight against a buffalo.
There was a complete change of programme on Saturday in the Bijou. Performances by Miss Vera Ferrace and Miss Ruby Chrystal. The biorama was an interesting one, especially the grand opera 'Carmen,' and the funny picture 'Double sight,' represented by the well-known Max Linder…
The Great Championship Fight - Nelson v. Hyland, from this date at 5.30 and 7 p.m.; Tonight 9.15 p.m., a complete change of programme and pictures; performances by Miss Vera Ferrace and Miss Ruby Crystal. The Biorama: 'Carmen,' 'Seal Hunting off Tasmania,' 'Double Sight…
The pioneer hall of the colony (Des Voeux Road Central, Opposite Central Market). 2 performances on 7:15 to 9 and 9:15 to 11:30 p.m. Grand change of programme. New films include 'Ruth and Boaz,' 'The Wrong Door' by Max Linder, 'The Veil of Happiness,' a Chinese…
Cinematograph Vaudeville every evening; grand coronation picture of King George V. at 9.15 p.m.; performance by Violet Bonnetta and R. H. Stephenson; 7.15 p.m. pictures only; electric fans throughout theatre.
Big Cinematograph Show at the Peak Hotel on Monday showing 'The Coronation of King George V. in London' along with others of Pathe Freres Films.
Big cinematograph show at Peak Hotel at 9:15 p.m. on Monday, 7th August. Weather permitting. The coronation of King George V. in London. Price details included.
(Des Voeux Road Central) From 7:15 to 8:45 p.m. and 9:15 to 11:15 p.m. 'The Searchlight,' the episode of Italo-turko War. Performances by Miss Lynda Davies. Debut of Harris and Vernon. A magnificent film, 'Battling Nelson v. Ad. Wolgast,' on Monday night. Matinees on…
(Des Voeux Road Central) From 7:15 to 8:45 p.m. and 9:15 to 11:15 p.m. Tonight and tomorrow night. The handsome picture, 'Battling Nelson v. Ad. Wolgast,' in 40 rounds, with 4000 feet long. Miss Lynda Davies is coming on January 26.
At the Victoria Theatre on Thursday night, Billy Eldid and troupe made their first appearance in Hongkong before a very good house. The great boxing burlesque, 'Jim Flynn v. Jack Johnson,' was truly a masterpiece in the fistic art. Messrs. Ramos and Ramos are showing some splendid…