A good music-hall programme was given last night in Theatre Royal. Owing to the illness of an important member of the company, viz, the lime-light man, the London Bioscope had to be omitted. Various artists performed included Mr. Bell: a comedian, Miss Delroy on dancing, Miss Maud Lita on…
See the Biograph: Presenting the moving pictures of the Dreyfus Trial, scenes included: The Court-martial at Rennes, The Deposition of General Mercier, The Fight between the Journalists, Dreyfus in Irons at Devil's Island, Suicide of Colonel Henry, The Attempt Against Maitre Laborie,…
(Des Voeux Road Central, Corner of Pottinger Street) Premier hall of the colony. Schedule details included. For 3 nights only. The 25th, 26th and 27th January, 1910. The magnificent films 'Peking,' 'The Modern Aerial Navigation' and 'The Aeroplanes of Mr Henry Farman.…
(Des Voeux Road Central, Corner of Pottinger Street) Premier hall of the colony. Schedule details included. For 3 nights more. The 28th, 29th and 30th January, 1910. 'The Modern Aerial Navigation' and 'The Aeroplanes of Mr Henry Farman.' The best artistes Miss Hilda Hailes,…
When Messrs Ramos and Ramos contemplated building the popular picture palace, the Victoria Theatre, it was thought that the building to be erected would have ample accommodation for some years to come. Certainly on benefit nights, matinees and at many other times the accommodation is wholly…
(Des Voeux Road Central) From 7:15 to 8:45 p.m. and 9:15 to 11:15 p.m. The great film, 'An Episode in the Life of Henry VIII.' Reappearance of Harris and Vernon. Extraordinary success of Miss Lynda Davies. Matinees on Saturdays and Sundays at 4 p.m.
There appear the so-called 'talking pictures,' a synchronization of the cinematograph and the phonograph by electrical science, are already in craze in London and Paris. So premising have been these reproductions of plays and operas that two prominent producers, Charles Frohman and…
In aid of the funds of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to be held in the compound of the Roman Catholic Cathedral on Sunday; 3rd Nov from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. under the most distinguished patronage of His excellency the Governor Sir Francis, Henry May and Lady May; admission ticket $ 1.00 which…
There is a photo of Miss May Hallat. She was introduced as the leading female role of 'The Thief,' by great London Production of Sir George Alexander. Mr. Henry Dallas is to present the performance at Victoria Theatre tonight.
The Dallas Comedy Company opened a short season in Hong Kong at the Victoria Theatre. 'The Thief' is from the French of Henri Bernstein, by Cosmo Gordon Lennox, and abound with big possibilities. Mr. Henry Dallas and Miss May Hallett will play the role of injured husband and erring…
Mr. Henry Dallas has reserved two best one-act pieces for his last two nights in the Victoria Theatre. In addition to the triple bill, several new Films will be shown on the Cinematograph.
The article mentioned the strong growth of the cinema business in Great Britain and America. These important and interesting facts of the wonderful growth of cinema are given by Mr. Valentia Steer in his book, The Romance of the Cinema. Mr. Steer also mentioned the cinematograph has caught the…
Six years ago the total number of employees in cinematograph theatres in Great Britain was about 500. They now exceed 125,000. Their weekly wage-bill probably runs into £250,000 or more. The number of people visiting the cinemas per week must be well over eight million. These and many other…
Mr. Henry W. Gladwin, representative of Australian Films, Ld. is investigating the possibilities of film business in the Far East and is establishing a connection in Hongkong. The company controls over 100 of the finest cinematograph shows.
Bijou Scenic Theatre will show a historical drama of the time of Henry IV of France for four nights replacing 'A Live Wires.'
The Victoria Theatre has engaged for one night only – Sunday next, January 10, – The eminent cyclists Henry and May, who do some wonderful 'turns on the wheel' performance.
The great military picture 'High Treason' in 4 parts and 4,000 feet long. The fourth series of war pictures in 3 parts and 3,000 feet long. Both will be shown tonight, 8th January. Special performance by Henry & May for one night only on Sunday, 10th January.
On Jan 8, the best picture programme ever presented to the public when the great military picture 'High Treason' in 4 parts- 4,000 feet long (thrilling & startling) will be screened, this film has been obtained at great expense; also 4th series of War Pictures in 3 parts - 3,000…
Film screening of 'High Treason' (4 parts, 4,000 ft) and the 4th Series of War Pictures (2 parts, 3,000 ft); Coming performance by Henry and May, the Cyclists
The new series of war pictures was on show for the first time at the Victoria last night. Mr. Henry and Miss May will perform tomorrow night.