A History Of Film Exhibition And Reception In Colonial Hong Kong: 1897 To 1925
Displaying 1 - 20 of 291
Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1908-08-06

On Wednesday, Emil T. Bunje, manager of the Asiatic Petroleum Co., charged Herbert John May, chief engineer of a steamer, with having behaved in a disorderly manner, and having used abusive and insulting language whereby a breach of the peace might have been occasioned at the Alexandra Theatre.…

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1912-12-23

The R. A. married families from Victoria, Stonecutters, Lyemun and Kowloon were on Saturday entertained to 'high tea' in the R.A. Theatre on the occasion of the Annual X'mas Tree. A pleasing feature of the entertainment was a series of moving pictures thrown on the screen by…

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1913-06-06

A Woman's Madness: A woman rushed on to the course during the Derby, and seized the bridle of the King's horse. Herbert Jones is so injured that he has to be removed on a stretcher. The woman is reported to be dead. Two cinematograph operators secured pictures of Davison's rush.…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1913-09-18

Herbert Bonhote Wilson, 34 an actor, died in hospital from the effects of a gunshot wound received during the performance of a play at the Elephant and Castle Theatre on August 14.

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1913-10-07

The article mentioned the strong growth of the cinema business in Great Britain and America. These important and interesting facts of the wonderful growth of cinema are given by Mr. Valentia Steer in his book, The Romance of the Cinema. Mr. Steer also mentioned the cinematograph has caught the…

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1913-10-09

Six years ago the total number of employees in cinematograph theatres in Great Britain was about 500. They now exceed 125,000. Their weekly wage-bill probably runs into £250,000 or more. The number of people visiting the cinemas per week must be well over eight million. These and many other…

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1914-03-12 - 1914-03-13

Films screenings including 'A Day in the Paris Zoo', 'Max and the Portmanteau' and 'The Rival Airmen' (in 2 parts , 3,000 ft); Screening of The Pathe's Gazette; Coming film: 'The Poison Tree'

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1914-03-12 - 1914-03-13

The Pathe's Gazette, 'A Day in the Paris Zoo,' 'Max and the Portmanteau,' and 'The Rival Airman,' a delightful drama in 2 parts, 3,000 feet; 'The Poison Tree' in 5,000 feet will be screened on Mar 14.

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1914-03-14 - 1914-03-16

Film screening of 'The Poison Tree' (5,000 ft); Screening of The Pathe's Gazette

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1914-03-14 - 1914-03-19

The Poison Tree' in 3 parts, length 5,000 feet, a great start drama showing how jealousy comes into conflict; for 4 nights only; 'The Animal Acrobate' (instructive), and The Pathe's Gazette.

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1914-03-17 - 1914-03-17

Film screening of 'The Poison Tree' (5,000 ft); Coming performance by Jessie Howard and Baby Stella

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1914-04-18

Hong Kong is to see the remarkable Antarctic motion pictures of Captain Scott's South Polar Expedition, which were taken by Lt. Herbert G. Ponting F.R.G.S. The exhibition will take place at the Theatre Royal, opening on Monday next. The series is heralded as 'The Undying Story of…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1914-04-23

There was again only a moderate attendance at the Theatre Royal last night when the Scott Expedition pictures were shown. The picture was recorded by Mr. Herbert G. Ponting on Captain Robert Falcon Scott's expedition to the Antarctic.

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1914-04-24

The cinematograph history of the Scott Antartic Expedition was shown at the Theatre Royal by means of film made by Mr. Herbert G. Ponting. It was fortunate to film a large school of deep sea creatures.

Headline: Command' Film
Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1914-06-12

In the ball room of Buckingham Palace last month before the King and Queen of Denmark, and the whole Court Mr. Herbert Ponting displayed his Antarctic series. A special screen was erected, and Mr. Ponting lectured as he does daily at the Philharmonic Hall.

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1914-12-21 - 1914-12-24

The sensational dramas 'Gipsy Blood' and 'John Sterling, Alderman' on Tuesday, 22nd December. Various interesting films and comics are included. Performances by Bert Flatt and Flo Brooks. Grand X'mas tree matinee at 4 p.m. on Thursday, 24th December. Matinees on Friday,…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1914-12-21 - 1914-12-23

On Dec 22, the sensational dramas 'Gipsy Blood' and 'John Sterling, Alderman'; also comic interesting & industrial films; performance by Flatt & Brooks; On Dec 24, the Grand Xmas Tree Matinee; Look out for 'Bell of Rheims.'

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1915-04-23 - 1915-04-23

Film screenings including 'The Poisoned Tree' (3 parts, 3,000 ft); Screening of Pathe's Gazette Latest News and Gaumont Graphic Latest; Also some new comic, historical and interesting pictures; Coming film: 'Sherlock Holmes'

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1915-04-24 - 1915-04-24

Film screenings including 'The Poisoned Tree' (3 parts, 3,000 ft); Screening of Pathe's Gazette Latest News and Gaumont Graphic Latest; Also some new comic, historical and interesting pictures; Coming film: 'Sherlock Holmes'

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1915-04-24 - 1915-04-24

On Apr 24, the thrilling drama 'The Poisoned Tree' in 2 parts - 3,000 feet long; Pathe's Gazette latest news; new comic, historical & interesting pictures; Gaumont Graphic latest; still keep an eye on Sherlock Holmes.