Last night in Theatre Royal, the Elsie Adair Company gave an amusing entertainment before a large house. And a series of animated pictures were shown by means of Edison's Vitascope. It was an almost total absence of the flicker which has characterised all previous exhibitions of pictures of…
A full house greeted Mr. Carl Hertz at Theatre Royal on Saturday, with D'Alton sang two songs. The Cinematograph was again exhibited with a new series of pictures, many of which are very effective.
Carl Hertz, the conjurer, gave his last performance of the series in the Theatre Royal on Saturday night. There was a very good house. Some of the pictures shown by means of the Cinematographe were exceedingly good, and the Jubilee Procession was most enthusiastically received, more especially…
The Twentieth Century Entertainers reopen at the City Hall this evening when many new and interesting features will be presented. Moving pictures of the whole of the Dreyfus case will be exhibited and an exceptionally large house is expected.
The programme submitted at the Theatre Royal on Saturday night by Barnes' Twentieth Century Entertainers got a remarkably good reception from a full house. Performances by Harry Gray, Madame Freed and Miss Rosa Barnes. The biographic pictures of the Dreyfus trial were very good indeed, but…
The 20th Century Projectoscopic Company announce entertainments at the City Hall on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next. Shanghai journals report very favourably on the entertainment, and there should be full houses in Hongkong next week.
The 20th Century Projectoscopic Company repeated their performance at the City Hall last night to a very poor house. The several slight hitches which occurred at the previous performance were remedied and the entertainment was appreciated by those present.
At the meeting of Sanitary Board yesterday afternoon the following letter was read from the Colonial Secretary, the Hon. F. H. May, was regard to the closing of Chinese theatres. The letter stated that persons attending the theatres would probably be less crowded together than if they remained…
The annual Fire Brigade competition took place this afternoon at the rear of the Ko Shing Theatre when various drills were gone through. The exhibition was witnessed by His Excellency the Governor and a party from Government House, while all the points of vantage round the open space were…
Mr. Tang, the Chinese Commissioner for Tibetan affairs, says the Calcutta correspondent of the 'World,' is a great social success, and has made himself very popular during his sojourn among the foreign devils as he doubtless terms us. The Viceroy gave a dinner in his honour at…
Saturday is Vice-Regal night at the theatre Royal, when several new 'turns' will be introduced. This will be the last performance of the Gaiety Stars, and no doubt a large 'house' will be present.
Li Fuk, a runner in boarding house No. 7, West Street, was charged with selling theatre tickets outside the Koshing theatre in Queen's Road West.
On the site of Longevity Monastery, a new style of shops and houses with verandahs like these in Hong Kong will be built. There will be ample roads for rickshas with footpaths on both sides for people to walk upon. On the northeast corner a big theatre like the Taiping Theatre, of Hong Kong,…
A crowded house patronised the Great Thurston on Saturday evening and was as mystified as ever Thurston alone was well worth the money, but mention must also be made of the clever vocal comedy of Miss Maud Amber and Mr. Winfield Blake, not to mention the roaring laughter created by the moving…
The show of 'moving pictures' at the City Hall on Saturday night drew a fairly large and appreciative audience, and the leading 'actors' in the Britt Nelson night weight contest. The pictures are clear and steady, and certainly make up a unique performance which will attract…
There was a crowded house at the Tai Ping Theatre and a coolie who was anxious to see the show could not obtain a good seat, who eventually sat on the stage. He was later removed from the stage by the management, however, the coolie resisted and threw a stone at the man who had ejected him. He…
The Cinematograph exhibition in Weismann's rooms on Saturday evening attracted a full house and gave great satisfaction. The pictures were clear and distinct.
The Cinematograph Pathe is attracting good houses nightly in the large hall of Weisman's and the pictures are good. Today, at 4, there will be a matinee, and the amusing comic pictures are bound, as usual, to elicit roars of laughter, By special request, for 3 nights next week, the fine…
There was a good attendance at the Cinematograph Pathe in Weismann's room on Saturday evening, and the pictures shown were extremely entertaining and amusing. Tonight the Life and Passion of Christ will be depicted and a large house is anticipated. The Cinematograph is worth patronising.…
The article mentioned the background of how cinematograph picture became a vast industry, and also covered the production flow of moving pictures, including the cost of filming, genre selection from the production house, acting, lighting, staging, photography, the process of printing the…