The latest improved projecting machine in which the vibration so noticeable and trying to the eyes is now entirely eliminated. Views of the Queen's Jubilee in London will be the special feature of the Entertainment. The following scenes will be shown: A dispute between Bicyclists; The…
The Cinematograph for one night only. The latest improved projecting Machine in which the vibration so noticeable and trying to the eyes is now entirely eliminated. Views of the Queen's Jubilee in London will be the special feature of the Entertainment. The following scenes will be shown: A…
Tonight! Tonight! First appearance in Hongkong of Prof. Carl Rozello, the entertaining English magician and society entertainer. Performances by Melle Yvonne D'Arthis, Miss Nellie Loftus, Little Miss Irene. New films, humoristic and sentimental. Machado's String Band. Time 9 to 11.…
At the Victoria Cinematograph more electric fans are being installed, and patrons will be able to witness the excellent series of films in comfort. A new set of films are being shown, including the Royal wedding in Spain, and the bomb outrage, in addition to the sensational film 'The Castle…
The Castle Doctor.' Two performances nightly. Schedule details included. Tickets can also be obtained at the Robinson Piano Co. Don't forget the address: Des Voeux Road (Pottinger Street Corner).
Messrs Ramos and Ramos, the proprietors of Victoria Theatre, have just concluded arrangements for the exhibition of the animated picture Gazette of Pathé Freres which will be quite a new thing in Hongkong. Gazette is an ordinary film showing the latest happenings from all over the world. A…
The pictures to be presented by Pathe Freres cinematograph at the bazaar at the Seamen's Institution tomorrow in aid of St. Peter's Church, Include 'Arab Types and Customs,' 'Tired of Life,' 'The Bride of the Haunted Castle,' 'Seal Catching off…
Films screening of 'An Abduction Case', 'A Woman's Will' (2 parts), 'The Derby', 'Terror', 'The Castle Ghost', 'The Club Wielders' (coloured film) and 'The Chimney Sweep, Boy'
Programme for tonight: 'A Woman's Will' (in 2 parts); a detective drama, 'The Derby' (1913); 'Terror,' The Castle Ghost, 'The Club Wielders'; a beautiful coloured film, 'The Chimney Sweep's Boy.'
Herbert Bonhote Wilson, 34 an actor, died in hospital from the effects of a gunshot wound received during the performance of a play at the Elephant and Castle Theatre on August 14.
Performance by McClements, Miss Irene Delmer, M. H. Kenyon Slade; Films screenings including 'Mills of the God' (3 parts); Coming film: 'Famtomas' (3 parts) and 'The Last Term'
Miss Irene Delmar and Mr. H. Kenyon Slade gave their opening turns at the Victoria. A new set of war pictures will be presented at the Victoria tomorrow night, together with the new dramatic film 'Fantomas.'
The Clements-Slade and Irene Delmar made their appearance at the Victoria. Miss Delmar gave a successful performance.
Performance by Miss Irene Delmar, The McClements, Mr. H. Kenyon Slade; 'Mills of the Gods' in 3 parts (dramatic); 'Mike and Jake Go Fishing' (comic).
Tonight: 'The Black Box' (1st & 2nd Episodes), to see Herbert Rawlinson's acting, 'The Bride of the Haunted Castle', 'A Water Dog' (Keystone Comedy), 'The Greater Motive', 'Panama Canal' and 'Three Girls and A Man'; Band night…
Tonight, a remarkable production by E. Phillips Oppenheim, 'The Black Box,' first two episodes of this tense and heart-gripping serial; programme also included: 'The Bride of the Haunted Castle' (drama); 'A Water Dog' [sic] (Keystone comedy); 'The Greater…
(Out-of-door pictures, location near post office, Kowloon) 'The Black Box' (by Universal) acted by Herbert Rawlinson. The first and second episodes are displayed tonight. Photo of the actor included. Programme including the drama 'The Bride of the Haunted Castle,' 'The…
Tonight: 'The Black Box' (1st & 2nd Episodes), to see Herbert Rawlinson's acting, 'The Bride of the Haunted Castle', 'A Water Dog' (Keystone Comedy), 'The Greater Motive', 'Panama Canal' and 'Three Girls and A Man'; Band night…
Tonight: 'The Black Box', see Anna Little's acting; Also 'The Bride of the Haunted Castle', 'A Water Dog', 'The Greater Motive', 'Panama Canal' and 'Three Girls and A Man'; Band night Tonight; Picture included
There was a big house at the Victoria on Saturday night when the closing scenes of the popular 'Black Box' film were screened. A special feature of the programme was a new Wiffles picture, representing that hero in as amusing a light as ever. The new Pathe Gazette and war pictures were…