The latest improved projecting machine in which the vibration so noticeable and trying to the eyes is now entirely eliminated. Views of the Queen's Jubilee in London will be the special feature of the Entertainment. The following scenes will be shown: A dispute between Bicyclists; The…
The Cinematograph for one night only. The latest improved projecting Machine in which the vibration so noticeable and trying to the eyes is now entirely eliminated. Views of the Queen's Jubilee in London will be the special feature of the Entertainment. The following scenes will be shown: A…
The Cinematograph was a grand success. This was the last opportunity to see The Queen's Jubilee Pictures and other beautiful views; Seats can be reserved at W. Robinson & Company's Stores. Johnson & Charvet are the proprietors.
The latest and most perfect animated pictures direct from London to Hong Kong. Complete set of Pictures of the Coronation Festivities. Vide Shanghai Press of last Winter. Plan at the Robinson Riano Co., Ltd. T. J. Stevenson is the Proprietor.
An exceedingly good Bioscope entertainment is that which is being given by Mr. T. J. Stevenson at the Theatre Royal. The coronation pictures are exceedingly good. The news described some scenes of the films.
Imperial Bioscope. Complete change of programme. Plan at the Robinson Riano Co., Ltd. T. J. Stevenson is the Proprietor.
The Tai Ping theatre West Point was entered twice last week by thieves, and last night a third visit was paid to it. The police were on the lookout on this occasion and arrested the intruder with a clock in his possession. At the Magistracy today he was sentenced to three months' goal by Mr…
The promoters of the Variety Entertainment at the Metropole Theatre on Saturday night have no reason to complain of the attendance. There is a detailed description of the performers including McCormick, Arthur James, Walter Keene, Tom Morcomb, Gertie Maisie, J. Christie. Noted that the American…
Considering the state of weather there was good attendance at the Metropole Theatre on Saturday night, and the entertainment was as interesting as was that of the previous week. The artistes were Messrs. George Gibbs, Walter Keene, Gertie Maisie, J. Christie and Tom Morcomb. There was also an…
Prof. F. Starr sailed recently from New York for Africa. He hopes to have new light upon their origin and ancestry by making a series by making a new video. He will also ask Mr. Samual Verner, another scientist, for help. Prof. Starr hopes to throw new light upon their origin and ancestry by…
On Saturday night 182,000 moving pictures illustrative of the Britt-Nelson contest will be shown in the City Hall, under the supervision of the representative for the Far East of Mr. J. W. Coffroth. The fight of 18 rounds was the most exciting character. The entertainment will be given for 2…
We understand that the Victoria Cinematograph is offering two performances for the benefit of the poor of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul; one today and the other on 2nd Feb.
The Victoria Cinematograph is giving two performances on behalf of the poor under the charge of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. A special attractive programme has been arranged and a good house is expected as it is for the benefit of the poor.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul sent us a statement showing that the benefit performance given on their behalf by the Victoria Cinematograph returned them a net sum of $100.50. The Society tender heartfelt thanks to Messrs Ramos and Ramos, the proprietors of the Cinematograph.
The Hon. Secretary, Mr. Jose M. de Graca writes about the two performances offered by the 'Victoria Cinematograph,' and writes about the profit and the cost for the performance. The Committee of the Society wanted to thank Messrs. Ramos y Ramos [sic], the proprietors.
The Victoria Cinematograph received a series of new films by the last mail from Europe, some of which will be exhibited on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. The piece de resistance is one entitled 'The Poor Mother' and it is said to be highly dramatic. Monday next will be the last…
(2 Zetland Street 2) New pictures! 'The Great Success of London.' Every night at 9:15 p.m. Miss R. Giralda - Spanish dances. Miss Hortensia - Spanish songs. Mr Torras - Tenor songs. Orchestra. Director - Mr F Gonzales. New songs nightly. New pictures every second night.
Numbers of singers, including Miss Rosita Diralda, Miss Violet Russel, orchestra under Mr F. Gonzales, Mr Donald Harvey, Mr Harry Gould, Mr Leckie, Signor Torras, Miss Giralda, had been performed and number of films had been shown in the middle of the events, firstly 'Her first Bike Ride,…
(2 Zetland Street 2) Tonight! 'Hamlet' and many other new pictures never before seen in Hong Kong. Every night at 9:15 p.m. Miss R. Giralda - Spanish dances. Miss Hortensia - Spanish songs. Mr Torras - Tenor songs. Orchestra. Director - Mr F Gonzales. New songs nightly. New pictures…
(2 Zetland Street 2) 'Hamlet' and many other new pictures never before seen in Hong Kong. Every night at 9:15 p.m. Miss R. Giralda - Spanish dances. Miss Hortensia - Spanish songs. Mr Torras - Tenor songs. Orchestra. Director - Mr F Gonzales. New songs nightly. New pictures every…