Metropole Theatre introduced more new artistes by the Ware and Ross Entertainers including Miss Dora Grey, Jack Glynne, The Leopolds, Miss Gertie Maisie, Tom Morcomb, Hugh McCormick, Jas. Christie, Walter Keene, Charlie Jones and the Bioscope. Price and schedule included.
More new artistes will be introduced by the Ware and Ross' Entertainers, e.g. Miss Dora Grey, Jack Glynne, The Leopolds, Miss Gertie Maisie, Tom Morcomb, Hugh McCormick, Jas. Christie, Walter Keene, Charlie Jones and the Bioscope.
More new artistes will be introduced by the Ware and Ross' Entertainers, e.g. Miss Dora Grey, Jack Glynne, The Leopolds, Miss Gertie Maisie, Tom Morcomb, Hugh McCormick, Jas. Christie, Walter Keene, Charlie Jones and the Bioscope.
Metropole Theatre introduced more new artistes by the Ware and Ross Entertainers tonight including Miss Dora Grey, Jack Glynne, The Leopolds, Miss Gertie Maisie, Tom Morcomb, Hugh McCormick, Jas. Christie, Walter Keene, Charlie Jones and the Bioscope. Price and schedule included.
A large number of patrons of the Victoria Cinematograph is nightly favoured with a very interesting and high-class entertainment at the hands of such artistes as Jessie Thorne, Steve Adson and Miss Cecilia Verard. The pictures are funny which includes 'French Volunteer,' 'A Duel…
The Piccadilly Circus in Sydney showed a film about a fight between Tommy Burns and Jack Johnson which was produced by Gaumont Studio in Sherwood-st. It was so realistic. The miracle worker is Mr. McIntosh, promoter and referee of the fight between Tommy Burns and Jack Johnson. Films of the…
On Saturday, Miss Rosa Barnes signalised her departure by giving a sand dance and coon song in company with her popular partner Jack Squire, who seems to be as quick with his feet as his Australian namesake is with his hands. Miss Ruby Ray also performed. The films are constantly changed and are…
The financial inducements that brought together Jim Jeffries and Jack Johnson, for the heavy-weight prize fighting championship, showed a new high record, probably for any kind of sporting event in the history of the world. The most valuable return was expected from the moving pictures of the…
Cinematograph pictures of the Johnson-Jeffries fight were shown at a private gathering at the National Sporting Club in London last month, and the general verdict of the critical audience was that the pictures revealed one of the worst contests ever seen.
There was a complete change of programme on Saturday in the Bijou. Performances by Miss Vera Ferrace and Miss Ruby Chrystal. The biorama was an interesting one, especially the grand opera 'Carmen,' and the funny picture 'Double sight,' represented by the well-known Max Linder…
The Empire Theatre should be packed on Saturday night next when Jack Blackmore will be pitted against Professor Yamato.
At the Victoria Theatre on Thursday night, Billy Eldid and troupe made their first appearance in Hongkong before a very good house. The great boxing burlesque, 'Jim Flynn v. Jack Johnson,' was truly a masterpiece in the fistic art. Messrs. Ramos and Ramos are showing some splendid…
Roars of laughter greeted the appearance on Saturday night at the Victoria Theatre of Billy Eldid and his troupe. The mirth-making burlesque of the Johnson-Flynn fight delighted the audience. Miss Addie Leigh is also billed for this week.
Both Mr. Billy Eldid & Co. and Jack Johnson will perform at the Victoria Theatre tomorrow night. The cinematograph films are exceptionally good; notably the one entitled 'The Golden Belt.'
A really good programme of boxing events is now arranged for the City Hall on Saturday week. Today's Big Fight: Last month in Chicago, Jack Johnson signed articles to fight Joe Jeanette. It guaranteed Johnson $25,000, with a privilege of 50 percent of the first $50,000 of the receipts and…
The older sports will remember how the cheerful Jack defeated Sammy Newman in Hongkong, Sinclair in Shanghai, and Tom Lynch in Tientsin. He has his cinematograph films of several famous fights, which he proposes to show if circumstances are favourable.
Mr. Jack Grace informs us that although he will be unable tonight to show the film depicting the fight between Owen Moran and Battling Nelson, owing to the Skating Rink not coming within the requirements of the law for such purposes, he hopes to have it shown at one of the local cinema theatres…
The Hughes Comedy Company presented 'Spedelbounder's Dream' at the Victoria Theatre last night. Mr. Bert Le Blane made a funny speech. Mr. Dave Nowlin made a hit with his song. Miss Gertrude St. Clair was good too. There'll be the chorus girls' contest tonight. One of…
Living pictures of some of the strangest people in the world will be shown shortly at a West End cinema theatre. These pictures are made by Mr. Jack London and Mr. Martin Johnson, who had bought back 26,000 feet of film after his travel to the South Sea Islands. The cinema machine has secured…
The first public performance given in Hongkong of Mr. T. Edison's invention – The Kinetophone, took place in the Theatre Royal last night. The new invention, in its remarkably life-like presentation of sounds and actions synchronising, is wonderful but by no means perfect. It displayed six…