A drama in 3 reels, 'Adventures of a Madcap [sic]' featuring Jackie Saunders on Friday, 14th April, 1916. Comedies including 'Col. Hezza Liar in Mexico,' 'In Jail at Last,' Charlie Chaplin 'In the Park' and Chaplin as 'Janitor' [sic]. Charlie…
The comedy in 3 reels, 'The Rose Amongst the Briars,' on Friday, 28th April, 1916. Miss Jackie Saunders is featured. Comedies including Charlie, 'The Tramp' (featuring Charlie Chaplin), Wiffles (coloured and featuring Prince) and 'A Sailor's Practical Joke.'…
Films screenings including 'Charlie The Tramp' (2 parts) and 'The Rose Amongt the Briars' (Pathe coloured production) featuring Miss Jackie Saunders
Films screenings including 'Charlie The Tramp' (2 parts), 'The Rose Amongt the Briars' (3 reels) featuring Miss Jackie Saunders 'Wiffles' (a coloured comedy) and 'A Sailor's Practical Joke'; Screening of British Gazette: 'The Secret of the New 14…
On Feb 26, performance by Abbott and Martell; see Jackie Saunders in the 'Love of a Maid' [sic], Pathe's great production in 4 parts; see the famous Keystone comics 'Muddy Romance' and 'The Baggage Smasher.'
Performance by 'Abbott and Martell'; See Jackie Sauders in Pathe's 'The Love of A Maid'; Keystone Comics: 'Muddy Romance' and 'The Baggage Smasher'
See the new programme, including 'For Love of a Maid,' Pathe color feature photoplay, featuring Jackie Saunders in 4 parts; 'Florence Rose Fashions' (2nd series), something entirely new; performance by Abbott and Martell.
Tonight: Performance by 'Abbott and Martell'; See Jackie Sauders in Pathe's 'The Love of A Maid'; Keystone Comics: 'Muddy Romance' and 'The Baggage Smasher'
Last night, a very pretty four-part story film 'For Love of a Maid' was shown at the Victoria Theatre. The leading role is in the hands of Miss Jackie Saunders, and the whole thing is exceedingly well done. We are informed that the Victoria management will soon be presenting a film…
On Oct 12, Pathe's great photoplay 'The Manor House Mystery' in 3 parts; interesting: Pathe's British, American & French Gazettes; comics: 'Wanted a Husband'; next week, the great serial (Jackie Saunders) in 'The Grip of Evil.'
Screening of Pathe's 'The Manor House Mystery', British and American Gazettes 'Annals of the War', 'Wanted a Husband' (comic); Coming films: Jackie Saunders in 'The Grip of Evil'
Screening of 'The Manor House Mystery' in 3 parts for 4 days, British & American Gazette and selected Comics, and also details of 'Annals of the War No. 4'; Coming films: Jackie Saunders in 'The Grip of Evil' and Pearl White & Sheldon Lewis in 'The King…
Tonight: Screening of Pathe's 'The Manor House Mystery', British and American Gazettes 'Annals of the War', 'Wanted a Husband' (comic); Coming films: Jackie Saunders in 'The Grip of Evil'
Tonight: Screening of 'The Manor House Mystery' in 3 parts for 4 days, British & American Gazette and selected Comics, and also details of 'Annals of the War No. 4'; Coming films: Jackie Saunders in 'The Grip of Evil' and Pearl White & Sheldon Lewis in…
A statement about the winter season of Victoria Theatre has been made by Mr. J. J. Blake, the manager. Concerning serial pictures were so much appreciated by cinema-goers, Mr. Blake has arranged to screen first 'The Grip of Evil,' with Jackie Saunders in the leading role. Other serials…
Mr J. J. Blake, the manager of that Victoria Theatre, informs us that great care has been taken in the choice of productions for the winter season. Great variety of films were obtained, including 'The Grip of Evil,' with Jack Saunders, 'The Fatal Ring' featuring Pearl White…
Coming screening of 'The Grip of Evil' (first and second episodes) featuring Jackie Saunders and Roland Bottomley
On Nov 13, Jackie Saunders in the 'Grip of Evil,' fate & the underworld; instructive: 'A Study of Birds'; interesting: Annals of the War; comics: 'Luke Late Lunchers' and 'Feeding the Kitty.'
Screening of 'Grip of Evil' featuring Jackie Saunders, 'Study of Birds', 'Annals of the War' and Comics: 'Luke Late Lunchers' and 'Feeding the Kitty'
Tonight: Screening of 'Grip of Evil' featuring Jackie Saunders, 'Study of Birds', 'Annals of the War' and Comics: 'Luke Late Lunchers' and 'Feeding the Kitty'