(Opposite Central Market) Tonight. New films! 'The Sinking of the Mary Jane.' Schedule details included.
Special attractions at 9:15 p.m. from Saturday, 28th October. Comedy, The 'Liberte' Catastrofes: 'Neighbours' by Max Linder, 'Back to the Prairie,' 'The Traitor,' 'Trying to Grow,' 'Jane's Sleeping Sickness,' 'Champion Club…
Films screenings including 'The White Rose', 'Mary Jane Does the Grand' and 'The Proving of Uncle Josiah', 'Young Bird Life'; Screening of Pathe's International Gazette; Coming film: 'The Midnight Sun'
Exceedingly comic & interesting pictures, 'The White Rose,' 'Mary Jane Does the Grand,' 'The Proving of Uncle Josiah,' 'Young Bird Life,' and 'Pathe's International Gazette,' showing the world's latest news; the great drama '…
Mr. Bert Flatt, American Musical Monologue Comedian, is billed to appear tonight at the Bijou. 'Slaves of Ambition,' Pathe's War Gazette (4th series), and 'The Detective Jane' will be shown.
The seventh and eighth episodes of 'Exploits of Elaine [sic]' from Sunday, 28th to Tuesday, 30th May. Pictures including 'Jane Shore.' Pathe's British gazette included. Comics including 'Safety First' by Starlight and 'The Fatal Taxi' [sic] (by…
Films screenings including 'Exploits of Elains' (7th & 8th episodes), 'Jane Shore', 'Safety First' and 'The Fatal Taxi' ; Screening of Pathe's British Gazette; Coming A Grand Gala Night
On Jan 16, 3rd and 4th episodes of 'The Greed,' all should see this beautiful photoplay; interesting: Pathe's British Gazette, 'Making a Great Newspapar'; comic: 'Mother in Law's Return,' 'Home Breaking Hound' (Keystone), and 'Mary Jane Does…
Screening of 'The Greed' (3rd and 4th episodes); Interesting: 'Pathe's British Gazette' and 'Making A Great Newspaper'; Comics: 'Mother-In-Laws Return', 'Home Breaking Hound' (Keystone) and 'Mary Jane Does The Grand'
Tonight: Screening of 'The Greed' (3rd and 4th episodes); Interesting: 'Pathe's British Gazette' and 'Making A Great Newspaper'; Comics: 'Mother-In-Laws Return', 'Home Breaking Hound' (Keystone) and 'Mary Jane Does The Grand'
Do you choose the motion picture films that your children see as carefully as you select the books that they read!' That is the question which Mrs. Jane Stannard Johnson, chairman of the Motion Picture Committee of Woman's Press Club of New York, would like, to ask all mothers.
Commencing Saturday, 30th March, the Universal's greatest serial, 'The Red Ace' featuring Marie Walcamp. Also Charlie Chaplin and Nestor comedies. Wednesday 3rd, April, Broadway Universal features present Jane Cowl and 'The Garden of Lies.' Illustration included.
3rd, 4th and 5th April, screening 'The Garden of Lies,' a gripping dramatic novelty, complete story in six parts, featuring the fascinating Broadway star Miss Jane Cowl. Also comics. Saturday, 6th April. See 3rd and 4th episodes, 'The Red Ace.'
Universal's 'The Red Ace' was screened and a new drama 'Jane Cowl' together with Charlie Chaplin's comic films will be shown.
The Spirit of France' in five parts is now screening and it is a story of love, featuring Pathe's star Raphael Dufios and Mme. Jane Hading. The final episodes of 'The Fatal Ring' will be shown next Friday.
Tonight at 5 and 9.15 p.m., by special request, 'The Spirit of France,' a story of the love that lies in the heart of every Frenchman, featuring Madame Jane Hading and M. Raphael Duflos. Tonight and tomorrow night, Bert Wiles and his xylophone.
Tonight, by special request, 'The Spirit of France,' featuring Madame Jane Hading and M. Raphael Duflos; tonight and tomorrow night, performance by Wiles.
Tonight at 9.15 p.m., Creighton Hale and Gladys Hulette in 'Annexing Bill.' 'Payment in Full,' see Stub [sic] and Burns in this screaming comedy. Sunday matinee, 23rd March at 6 p.m., 'A Little Brother of the Rich' featuring Hobart Bosworth with Jane Novak and…
Creighton Hale and Gladys Hulette in 'Annexing Bill.' Payment in full, see Stub and Buras in the screaming comedy. 'A Little Brother of the Rich' featuring Hobart Bosworth with Jane Novak and Hobart Henley. Booking at Anderson's.
Tonight 9.15 p.m., Creighton Hale and Gladys Hulette in 'Annexing Bill.' Here is a fine example of what a light romantic comedy should be. A spirited romance and an elemental plot closely knit and splendidly arranged so that the tense interest is sustained right up to the last minute.…