The Ginks' opened a bright season at the Victoria Theatre last night and delighted all who witnessed their program. Mr. Billy Watson, Miss Violet Harley, and Miss Jeanie James all gave attractive performances. In connection with 'The Ginks,' there were some cinematograph films,…
Jesse L. Lasky presents Cecil DeMille's 'Forbidden Fruit' by Jeanie Macpherson, a Paramount picture. In order that Hongkong residents may be sure of obtaining accommodation, seats may be booked at the Star Ferry for both 5.30 and 9.15 shows. Prices: 5.30 p.m., $1.00 and 60 cents;…
Jesse L. Lasky presents Cecil DeMille's 'Forbidden Fruit' by Jeanie Macpherson, a Paramount picture. Illustration included.
Today at 5.30 and 9.15, Jesse L. Lasky presents Cecil B. DeMille's production, 'Something to Think About,' by Jeanie Macpherson. Unusual picture, usual prices. Illustration included.