The Chief Justice, Sir W. Rees Davies, K. C. heard a case in which Ho Chiu Lam, alias Ho You Tong claimed as partner in the Po Cheung of Canton, and the Wah Kee of Hongkong against his brother Ho San Kam, alias Ho Ngok Lau, the defendant, for dissolution of partnership entered into by the…
A case was called on for hearing at Madras, in which Mr. K. A Mirza, agent to the firm of Madan and Co., Calcutta, a supplier of films to the Empire Cinema, charged Sir Mark Anton, Mrs. Wadia, and 3 other assistants of Sir Mark Anton. Mirza complained that these people had used criminal forces…
The use and abuse of the cinematograph are being discussed at the local education authority in the U. K. Rev. F. B. Meyer (headmaster of Eton), Winchester and Rugby, the Earl of Meath and Sir Albert Rollit. They believe that the moving pictures can be 'disastrous' if not carefully…
A large number of Japanese is now migrating from this coast, says the Daily Colonist. K. Marawoss, heads a party of 104 Japanese from all around America, sailing aboard for the Orient in order to search brides. The leaders of the party plan a publicity campaign in Japan, and will show by moving…
The 'Oko' machine is opening up the whole range of cinematography to the amateur as it can take photographs and projects them on the screen. It also replaces the large amount of film with a small wide piece of film which helps saving costs so that it may develop the educational side of…
Polish Edison,' Mr. K. de Proszynski, gave the first demonstration of his new amateur cinematograph camera at the Royal Photographic Society whereas the film was used in a broad sheet rather than a narrow strip.
Notice that The Variety Film Exchange Company Incorporated has been purchased and taken over by The China Cinema Company, Limited, who will in future carry on the business
The Variety Film Exchange Company Incorporated has been purchased by the China Cinema Company, Ld., which Mr. K. L. O'Hoy is the secretary.
Mr. H. Shimomura has succeeded Mr. K. Uchida as civil governor of Taihoku. The reception was followed by theatrical and cinematograph performances.
Films screenings including Pathe's 'Under the Tricolor' (3 reels), 'Dolly of the Dailies' (4th and last episodes) and 'Jonah Day' (Keystone Comic); Screening of Pathe's British Gazette; Boxing and fencing performances
Oppenheim's great mystery serial, 6th episode of 'The Black Box' in 2 parts, more perplexing and exciting than ever; 'The Wreck,' a powerful drama by the K. B. Films Co. in 3 parts; 'Under Desperation's Spur,' drama by Kalen; 'Bunny's Scheme,…
The new Bandman Comedy Company may be expected here in the spring, with all the latest London successes. The plays to be brought out include: 'Romance,' 'General Poet,' 'London Pride,' 'Three Weeks,' 'Damaged Goods,' 'Daddy Longlegs,…
The manager of the Hongkong Cinematograph Theatre was charged this morning before Mr. J. R. Wood with permitting the use of a cinematograph construction which was not constructed and operated according to regulations. Mr. F. C. Jenkins. D. S. P.(R.), appeared for the prosecution; Mr. M. K. Lo…
Mr Paul K. Rainey is one of the most famous American explorers and moving picture photographers. He and Heller will travel through China, Indo-China and the Philippines.
In his lecture to the Church of England Men's Society last night Hon. Mr. H. E. Pollock, K. C., among other interesting matters referred to the censorship of cinema films. He said: "I come now to the question of cinemas, and all I need ay on that subject is that the question of…
The Hon. Mr. H. E. Pollock, K. C., President of St. George's Society, informs us that it has been decided by the Committee of St. George's Society to cancel the original programme. There will now be no entertainment at the theatre or ball at the City Hall.
Owing to excellent accommodation and good pictures the Hongkong Theatre is well patronized. Tomorrow, the Italian drama 'The Marcellini Millions,' featuring George Beban, supported by Helen Jerome Eddy, Eugene Pallette and Adele Farrington, will be screened. Film plot included.
Wilson K. Midgley writes in the Daily News as follows: Vain efforts have been made in the past to introduce the 'pictures' into the spheres of religion, education, and of various kinds of reform. Peace has brought them at a stroke into international politics. There are two companies…
Mr M. K. Lo yesterday applied to Mr R. E. Linesell for the rehearing of the case in which the manager of the Ko Shing Theatre had been fined $100 for overcrowding in the theatre and obstructing the gangway. He said that the manager of the theatre could prove that the number of excess theatre-…
On the application of Mr. M. K. Lo, the case in which the manager of the Ko Shing Theatre had been fined $100 for obstructing the gangways of the theatre was reheard by Mr. Lindsell yesterday. Acting Inspector Moore said he visited the Ko Shing Theatre at 8.45p.m. on October 25th, when the…