At the Theatre Royal tonight, Miss Elsie Adair, assisted by several Hongkong amateurs, will give another performance. And fifteen views of the Jubilee procession will be shown on the vitascope. Mrs Jewell, and Miss Lee Jarvis, the celebrated comic opera prima donna, is to contribute several…
Miss Elsie Adair's entertainment continues in Theatre Royal. With additional performers Mrs. Jewell and Miss Lee Jarvis.
The Theatre Royal was fairly well filled on Saturday night by the performance from Elsie Adair, Mr. Vanderlip. Mrs. Jewel and Mr. C. T. Robinson. A number of new and old views were shown with the Vitascope and the graphic fidelity which some of them were animated was warmly applauded by the…
At the Victoria Cinematograph tonight a new programme will be given, and Miss Carmen, 'La Trianera,' will make her debut in Hongkong as a dancer. Extra electric fans keep the air cool, and the entertainment is good.
The Alexandra Cinema-Theatre is visiting Hong Kong. Their performance last night in a hall at No. 2 Zetland Street started shortly after eight. With the Manila String Band in attendance, and with Mr. Gongiles at the piano, the first performance was a song 'Honey Boy' by Miss Thelma.…
Tonight and tomorrow night. 'The Black Princess.' The beautiful Miss Carmen 'La 'Trianera.' Two performances nightly. Schedule details included. Tickets can also be obtained at the Robinson Piano Co. Don't forget the address: Des Voeux Road (Pottinger Street Corner…
Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 'The Black Princess' and 'The Bandits of Calabra.' The beautiful Miss Carmen 'La Trianera.' Two performances nightly. Schedule details included. Tickets can also be obtained at the Robinson Piano Co. Don't forget the address: Des…
The Engel Troupe of Russian dancers. The beautiful Miss Carmen 'La Trianera.' Two performances nightly. Schedule details included. Tickets can also be obtained at the Robinson Piano Co. Don't forget the address: Des Voeux Road (Pottinger Street Corner).
There was a complete change of programme on Saturday in the Bijou. Performances by Miss Vera Ferrace and Miss Ruby Chrystal. The biorama was an interesting one, especially the grand opera 'Carmen,' and the funny picture 'Double sight,' represented by the well-known Max Linder…
The Great Championship Fight - Nelson v. Hyland, from this date at 5.30 and 7 p.m.; Tonight 9.15 p.m., a complete change of programme and pictures; performances by Miss Vera Ferrace and Miss Ruby Crystal. The Biorama: 'Carmen,' 'Seal Hunting off Tasmania,' 'Double Sight…
Tonight 9.15 p.m., a complete change of programme and pictures; performances by Miss Vera Ferrace and Miss Ruby Crystal. The Biorama: 'Carmen,' 'An Unlucky Picture,' 'A Mill Stone Quarry,' 'Octavius'(comic), 'Seal Hunting off Tasmania,' '…
The jewellery she has worn in 'The Marriage of William Ashe' has drawn attention to Miss Fanny [sic] Ward, the American actress who has just been divorced.
The Bijou Scenic Theatre's name in French means 'jewel,' by the excellence of its productions. The Theatre is showing several interesting films: 'Round about Cario'; 'Max and the Pancakes'; 'Brighter Star'; and 'Belle of New York.'
Films screening of 'At the Foot of the Scaffold' (2 parts) and 'Wheat and Tares' (2 parts); Screening of The latest Gaumint Graphic; Also some very comic films; Coming film: 'Queen's Jewels'
Tonight at 9.15, the dramatic picture 'At the Foot of the Scaffold' in 2 parts, 'Wheat and Tares' in 2 parts, the latest Gaumont Graphic and some very comic films; the thrilling drama 'Queen's Jewels' in 3 parts on July 3.
Film screening of 'Queen's Jewels' (3 parts); Screening of The latest Gaumont Graphic
Tonight at 9.15, change of programme headed by the thrilling drama 'Queen's Jewels' in 3 parts; and the latest Gaumont Graphic.
In the theatres: At the better theatres one sees nothing of the so-called patriotic plays, but one may hear Carmen at the opera, and Shakespeare holds the stage at Reinbardt's. The popular places of entertainment are crowded, if not with the most aristocratic audiences; and also are the…
On Mar 23, Charlie Chaplin as 'Carmen' in 4 parts; also various comics.
Coming screening of Charlie Chaplin in 'Carmen', Pathe's British and American Gazettes and others