Much indignation was aroused in Budapest last month over a schoolboy named Dionys Kovalik diving from the Franz Josef Bridge into the Danube for a cinematograph picture and thereby meeting his death. Two of the employees at the theatre who photographed the scene have been arrested.
The Storm,' a Universal-Jewel special starring House Peters, and with Virginia Valli, Matt Moore, Josef Swickard and others in support, comes to the World Theatre on Saturday. Langdon McCormick is the man who wrote the stage success, and 'The Storm' is directed by Reginald Barker…
The clean glory of the great North woods furnishes the background for vivid emotional work by master players in 'The Storm,' the Universal Jewel special feature which brings House Peters, Virginia Valli and Matt Moore to the World Theatre. The play is written by McCormick, directed by…
Saturday to Tuesday, December 23rd to 26th, Carl Laemmle presents House Peters, Virginia Valli, Matt Moore and Josef Swickard in 'The Storm,' a Universal production. Today at 4.45 and 9.15 p.m., Sunday special matinee at 4.45 p.m., and evening at 9.15 p.m. Prices of admission: at 4.45…
Saturday 23, Sunday 24, Monday 25 and Tuesday 26 December at 4.45 and 9.15 p.m., Universal-Jewel presents 'The Storm' in 8 parts, with House Peters, Virginia Valli and Josef Swickard. Admission: 4.45 p.m., $1.50 and 80 cents; 9.15 p.m., $1.50 and $1.00. Soldiers and sailors in uniform…
23rd to 26th Dec. at 4.45 p.m. and 9.15 p.m., Universal-Jewel presents 'The Storm' with House Peter [sic], Virginia Valli and Joseph [sic] Swickard. Price details included.
Showing Sunday 7th at 6 and 9.15, Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th at 5.30 and 9.15 p.m., House Peters in 'The Storm,' a Universal-Jewel, with an all-star cast, including Virginia Valli, Matt Moore and Josef Swickard. Great as a play, great as a picture. Prices as usual. Picture included.…
Capitalizing on the success of 'The Storm' in the last season when it was produced by George Broadhurst, it became the overnight sensation of the theatrical world. Carl Laemmle bought its picture rights. He, along with Reginald Barker produced the picture in the most glamorous way…
The Storm,' produced on the stage last season by George Broadhurst, is going over to the Star Theatre tomorrow. The picture rights were brought by Carl Laemmle. In turn, Reginald Barker chose House Peters for the leading role, together with Virginia Valli, Matt Moore and Josef Swickard.
Thur. 20th to Sat. 23rd December, 'Moon Madness,' with Edith Storey, William Courtleigh, Josef Swickard, Wallace McDonald, Irene Hunt and San De Grasse, a Robertson-Cole special. Usual price. Booking at the Theatre. December 20 Remarks: Another ad. on page 4.
Thursday to Saturday 20th to 22nd December at 5.15 p.m. and 9.15 p.m., 'Moon Madness,' with a notable all-star cast, Edith Storey, William Courtleigh, Josef Swickard, Wallace MacDonald, Irene Hunt and Sam De Grasse, a Robertson-Cole special. Usual prices. Booking at the theatre.…
Thursday to Saturday 20th to 22nd December at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., 'Moon Madness' with Edith Storey, William Courtleigh, Josef Swickard, Wallace McDonald, Irene Hunt and Sam De Grasse. A Robertson-Cole special. Usual prices. Booking at the Theatre.
Moon Madness,' with Edith Storey, William Courtleigh, Josef Swickard, Wallace McDonald, Irene Hunt and Sam De Grasse, a Robertson-Cole special.
June 21 & 23 Remarks: Teaser ads for the film 'Brass.' The ads didn't mention the theatre's name, surmised from other ads. June 24 Remarks: Coming to the World tomorrow. June 26 Remarks: The superb cast includes Wallace Beery, Estelle Taylor, Forrest Stanley, Sylvia…
Bavu,' a great cast of favourites headed by Estelle Taylor, Forrest Stanley, Sylvia Breamer, Wallace Beery of 'Robin Hood,' Josef Swickard of 'The Four Horsemen' and Martha Mattox.
5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Carl Laemmle presents 'Bavu,' a Universal-Jewel production from the play by Earl Carroll, directed by Stuart Paton, starring Wallace Beery, Estelle Taylor, Forrest Stanley, Sylvia Breamer and Josef Swickard. Illustration and plot included.
Bavu,' the Universal-Jewel special production which will be shown at the World Theatre tomorrow. The all-star cast includes Wallace Beery, Estelle Taylor, Josef Swickard, Forrest Stanley, Sylvia Breamer, Martha Mattox, Nickolai de Ruiz, Harry Carter, Jack Rollens. Stuart Paton directed them…
Wed. 25th to Sat. 28th at 5.15 & 9.15 p.m., the year's most sensational mystery thriller, Estelle Taylor, Forrest Stanley, Wallace Beery, Sylvia Breamer and Josef Swickward in 'Bavu,' in 8 parts. Also, Captain D'Olsy (French Aviator) in Pekin [sic] & Mukden. Special…