Last night, Professor Charver gave a luminary exhibition of the latest invention in phantasmagoria in St. Andrew's Hall to a select party of press representatives and other gentlemen. There is a description of the screening of Cinematograph: a long strip of photographic film is wound from…
Messrs Johnson and Charvet repeated their exhibition of the Cinematograph at the Theatre Royal last night. The screened film includes 70 distinct photographs; The Spanish dance 'Bolero'; The Jubilee procession passing Green Park; the most comical and laughter provoking picture 'A…
Miss Elsie Adair provided performance at Theatre Royal last night. Apart from her, other performers included Mr. Vanderlip, Mr. C.T. Robinson, Messrs. Tripodi and Sananara. Another feature of the performance was the display of views by the Edison 'Vitascope.' The views included waves…
Carl Hertz, the conjurer, gave his last performance of the series in the Theatre Royal on Saturday night. There was a very good house. Some of the pictures shown by means of the Cinematographe were exceedingly good, and the Jubilee Procession was most enthusiastically received, more especially…
The Royal party had a very busy day with the return of Duke and Duchess, who had to carry out everyone waited at the Ko Shing Theatre for the tea party arranged by the Chinese community in Ko Shing Theatre. The theatre was beautifully decorated with ferns and flowers. The stage looked like a…
Tonight only a special series of pictures will be shown at Weismann's Rooms. The programme will include 'A Slave's Love,' 'The Servant Hypnotist,' 'The Maniac Juggler,' 'The Dancing Swine,' 'The Nurse's Strike,' ' The Red…
A meeting of the Legislative Council was held in the Council Chamber yesterday. Protecting the Public: The Bill to regulate Theatres was also read a second and third time and passed. From time to time the public had been shocked by some terrible catastrophe which had occurred in some parts of…
To the Editor S. C. M. Post – Your excellent editorial note of today regarding cinematograph pictures deserves more than passing consideration. Apart altogether from the question as to whether such pictures are intended to educate or amuse the public, there remains the fact that they can be made…
All of us are familiar with the moving picture shows, but perhaps many of us are not aware of the great part they play on the health of the community. Writing in 'The Journal' of the American Medical Association, Dr. Howard D. King, of New Orleans, says that in the case of these '…
The Attorney General moved the second reading of the Bill to amend the Theatres and Public Performances Regulation Ordinance, 1908. The Attorney General said it has been thought desirable to place cinematograph exhibitions under the censorship of the Registrar General. There were reasons which…
The pictures at the Bijou Scenic Theatre were very interesting last night, including as they did a large number of views of the recent Volunteer encampment at Customs Pass.
Cinematograph Vaudeville, the lastest pictures with popular artists, the only place to pass an enjoyable evening; performance by Grace Wilson; see handbills for popular prices.
Sharp Cinematograph Vaudeville is provided every evening at 9.15 p.m.; performances by Miss Grace Wilson and Miss Grace Vyveene; the only place to pass an enjoyable evening, electric fans throughout theatre; special pictures this week: 'The Hobble Skirt' and 'The Heart Forgives,…
A picture of considerably more than passing interest is to be shown at the Victoria Theatre tonight when Messrs Ramos and Ramos will present the grand film showing the latest war events in Tripoli. This picture has been specially sent out for the Victoria Theatre and patrons will no doubt…
Tonight 9.15 p.m. all new pictures; comics 'An Escape of Gas' by Max Linder; 'In the Grocery Business' by Little Moritz, 'The All-conquering Hero' by Prince, 'The Passing of Dappled Fawn' (American-Indian drama, coloured, art), and Gaumont Graphic (The…
It was hardly conceivable that the enterprising management of Victoria Theatre would allow Christmas to pass over without introducing some special feature into their programme of entertainment, and on Boxing Day a special matinee will be held at which prizes will be drawn for, as it were.
A picture which is intended to pass a little time pleasantly for adults may have an unsettling effect upon school children. Therefore, parents and guardians should keep an eye on the young people under their care. As with theatres, so with literature.
The Bijou Theatre is about to pass out of the hands of the present owners, having been purchased by a local syndicate. It will be closed from May 31 and reopened at about the end of the first week in June. Mr. Bob Stephenson who has managed the Bijou for two and half years hasn't decided…
Touching the noise made by passing trams at the Victoria Theatre last night and the consequent inability of part of the audience to hear all that was spoken from the stage, it is worth mentioning that arrangements have today been made with the Tramway Company for overcoming this difficulty.
The public that patronizes the better class of photoplay houses refuses to tolerate the speculate of sitting through the average vaudeville chaser in order to see a good photoplay. With the Kalem Company spend $100,000 on one photoplay, and $50,000 for several, and with the Edison and Vitagraph…