The committee thanked Mr. Lemaitre of Messrs. Pathe Freres for supplying the Cinematograph and Gramaphones and for his personal services, which were of the greatest value.
In the Summary Court yesterday, Tam Ho, a contractor, claimed $152.5 from the Pathe Phono Cinema Chine, of 8 Wyndham Street, being the amount paid by the plaintiff to the defendants for the purchase of three films which the plaintiffs guaranteed or warranted to be in good order and condition,…
One of the finest films ever seen in the East is 'Les Miserables.' Victor Hugo, Mr. R. Lemaitre, the manager of Pathe Freres, are congratulated for this success. We understand several new films of striking originality are to be shown in the East for the first time by this enterprising…
Mr. R. Lemaitre (manager of Pathe Freres) at the request of a number of Shameen residents, gave a most successful exhibition of the Pathe films at the Club, Shameen, on Friday night. 9 films were shown, and the audience was large and distinctly appreciative.
On Sunday last a thief entered a house in Macdonnell Road and stole a gold watch, locket and chain (which was presented some years ago to Mr. R. Lemaitre, manager of Pathe Freres). The police are making inquiries.