World Theatre is screening a seven-reel super production 'Temptation.' The cast includes Bryant Washburn, Eva Novak, June Elvidge, Vernon Steele and Phillips Smalley. It is the work of Lenore Coffee and was directed by Edward L. Le Saint [sic]. Film synopsis included. Tomorrow's…
Today till Saturday at 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15, Lenore Ulric in David Belasco's 'Tiger Rose,' a Sidney Franklin production, Warner Bros. classic of the screen. Illustration included.
You think I'll shoot!' This is one of the tense, breathtaking scenes in David Belasco's 'Tiger Rose,' which is showing at the Coronet. Film synopsis included. The role is characterized by Lenore Ulric, who made such a tremendous success in the same role when 'Tiger…
Saturday to Wednesday, November 7 to 11, Italian grand opera company. Picture matinees Monday to Wednesday, Lenore Ulric in 'Tiger Rose.'
Saturday to Wednesday, November 7 to 11, Italian Grand Opera Company. Time table included. Picture matinees Monday to Wednesday, Lenore Ulric in 'Tiger Rose.'
Saturday to Wednesday, November 7 to 11, Italian Grand Opera Company. Picture matinees Monday to Wednesday, Lenore Ulric in 'Tiger Rose.'