In the place of the present makoshifts [sic] which do duty as cinematograph theatres, shortly be erected on the site of the present Hongkong Cinematograph in Des Voeux Road, a palatial building of steel frames and reinforced concrete by a syndicate headed by Mr. Fogliano. The building will be…
The claims against Alex Almazoff of the Salon Cinema Theatre were mentioned before Mr. Justice Gompertz in the Summary Court. There were four plaintiffs, each represented by a solicitor, and Mr. Leo D'Almada, who appeared for the defendant, said his client consented to judgement. The claims…
Performance by Maxim's, Bustandby's and Rector's, Baroness Irmagard Von Rottenthal, Leo Pirnikoff and Ethel Rose.
Last night, Nov 12, Midnight at Maxim's, the Maxim, Bustanoby and Rector beauties together with Baroness Ormard von Rottenthall, Leo Pirnikoff and Ethel Rose, the cameron girls, Bert Weston and Dorothy Ozuman; special music performance; also Charles Chaplin in the 'Property Man'…
London, Jan. 13. – Mildred Leo Clemens, the cousin of Mark Twain, has made plans to visit all the big towns in the provinces, and to show her films of Hawaii there.
Charged with exhibiting posters in connection with the new World Cinema, without these having been first passed by the Secretariat for Chinese Affairs, a Chinese boy, through Mr. Leo D'Almada, who appeared for the defence, said that about 10,000 of these posters had been examined by the…
Saturday, 24th September at 9.15 p.m., Grand concert: Anna Fl-Tour (celebrated soprano), Leo Podolsky (the eminent Russian pianist) and Vera Mirova (the charming dancer). Prices: $3, $2 and $1. September 24 Remarks: Another ad. on page 16.
Grand Concert by Anna El-Tour, Leo Podolski and Vera Mirova. $3, $2 and $1.
Before Mr. E. W. Hamilton at the Magistracy yesterday afternoon, a young man named Hui Lin appeared on remand on two charges of intimidating Wong Siu-hung, and of demanding $100 from the actor by menaces. Mr. R. E. A. Webster prosecuted and Mr. Leo d'Alamada represented the accused.…
Star Theatre is going to screen 'Her Sister's Rival' from tonight till Thursday. The film was made by the Russian Art Films Co. and distributed by the Pathe Corporation. The film features Vera Holodnaya [sic] and Leo [sic] Polonsky. Film synopsis included. A very attractive Mack…
Her Sister's Rival' will be shown at the Star Theatre from tonight till Thursday. The film was made by the Russian Art Films Co. and distributed by the Pathe Corporation. It is agreed that the class of photography attained, together with the high histrionic ability displayed by Vera…
Today to Saturday at 5.30 and 9.15 p.m., Pioneer Film Co. presents Grace Davison and Conway Tearle in 'Atonement,' from Leo Tolstoy's novel. Change of programme: Sunday, 6 and 9.15 p.m.; Monday, 5.30 and 9.15 p.m. 'Johnny Get Your Gun,' a Paramount special.
Screen for two nights only, 'Atonement,' the film picturization of Count de Tolstoy's novel.
Today to Saturday at 5.30 and 9.15 p.m., Pioneer Film Co. present Grace Davison & Conway Tearle in 'Atonement' from Leo Tolstoi's [sic] novel. Change of programme, Sunday: 6 & 9.15 p.m.; Monday: 5.30 & 9.15 p.m. 'Johnny Get Your Gun,' a Paramount special.…
Count Tolstoi's novel, 'Atonement,' comes to the Star Theatre in picture form. On Sunday, 'Johnny Get Your Gun,' featuring Fred Stone, will be shown.
The Star Theatre was well filled last night on the occasion of a minstrel show and variety entertainment by members of the St. Louis Juvenile Club assisted by local amateurs. Those taking part included Messrs. A. R. Tavares, Leo Guimaraes, J. Montaldo, C. Figueiredo, L. Soares, E. Alves,…