A History Of Film Exhibition And Reception In Colonial Hong Kong: 1897 To 1925
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1923-11-16

The hero of George Barr McCutcheon's romantic novel, 'The Prisoner,' formerly titled 'Castle Craneycrow,' felt about as much for the girl's new solitaire as the prizefight manager in H. C. Witwer's 'The Leather Pushers,' who regarded engagement…

Headline: The Star
Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1924-03-05 - 1924-03-08

Thursday, Friday and Saturday, twice daily at 5.30 and 9.15, Irene West and her royal Hawaiians, 'A Night in Old Hawaii,' phenomenal instrumentalists, vocalists and dancers, including the world-famous Princess Helen, a direct descendant of Queen Lil, and conceded to be the greatest…

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1924-03-06

Kowloon folk are promised a rare treat this evening when the popular Star Theatre presents a more than the usual rich programme. Not only will there be two excellent films, but there will be also a Hawaiian troupe direct from Manila Carnival. Irene West's Royal Hawaiians will present '…

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1924-03-07

Instant success greeted the Royal Hawaiians Troupe at the Star Theatre last night. The piece submitted was a revue, 'A Night in Old Hawaii.' With equal truth, it might have been called 'A Night in Joyland,' for the crowd. Special mention must be made of the fascinating hula…