Lilian Read, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker Read, Jr., had a contract with Thomas H. Ince for twenty years. In Mr. Ince's motion picture spectacle 'Civilization,' now being shown at the Criterion Theatre, she did such clever work that he decided to make her a star.…
Screening of 'Neal of the Navy' (1st & 2nd Episode) of a 14 episode serial, featuring Lillian Lorraine and William Conklin
Tonight, first & second episodes of the greatest ever produced: 'Neal of the Navy' in 14 episodes - 2 parts each, featuring Lillian Lorraine, supported by an all star cast, headed by William Conklin.
Screening of 'Lillian's Atonement', the grand prize photoplay, Pathe's British Gazette, 'Great War' and 'The Ghost Fakirs'
On Mar 23, the grand prize photoplay 'Lillian's Atonement' in 5 parts; Pathe's British Gazette, Great War, 'The Ghost Fakers' [sic].
Tonight, the grand prize photoplay of great interest, featuring Lillian Weggins, 'Lillian's Atonement,' this marvellous film shows life in all its phases, from selected private gambling resorts to the excitement of a Western mining camp; Pathe's British Gazette No. 398,…
Tonight: Screening of 'Lillian's Atonement', the grand prize photoplay, Pathe's British Gazette, 'Great War' and 'The Ghost Fakirs'
The Cameos will appear at the Victoria Theatre. Comedies and songs were presented with splendid voices, The whole programme was marked by real talent and refinement. Performances by Miss Peggy Ross, Miss Lyle Jeffries, Mr. Gerald Oshorne, Miss Lillian Gascoine, Miss Rhoda Windum and Charles…
At the Victoria Theatre on Saturday evening, 'The Cameos,' a 'Comedy, Concert Party' from South Africa, received a very cordial welcome on the occasion of their first appearance before a Hong Kong audience. Miss Peggy Ross was unable to be present on Saturday. Miss Lillian…
A large audience at the Victoria Theatre last night greatly enjoyed a capital and varied programme provided by 'The Cameos.' Miss Peggy Ross, Miss Lillian Gascoigne, Miss Lyle Jeffries and Mr. Gerald Osborne sang songs. Much laughter was provided by Mr. Athol Tier, who is a really…
There was quite a large and appreciative house at the Victoria Theatre last evening, when 'The Cameos' further enhanced their reputation here by a programme of undoubted excellence. Miss Lillian Gascoigne, Mr. Athol Tier, Miss Rhoda Windrum, Miss Lyle Jeffries, and Miss Peggy Rose…
Yesterday afternoon, by kind invitation of the management, local soldiers and sailors, with their wives and children, were invited to a performance by 'The Cameos.' Mr. Blake, manager of the Victoria Theatre, announced on behalf of 'The Cameos' that to all future performance…
The Cameos entertained the soldiers and sailors yesterday. Various artistes joined in and men of services welcome the announcement that they will be admitted to the performances at usual prices. Performances by Peggy Ross, Malcolm Prentice, Phoda Windrum, Gerald Osborne, C.C.Kitts, Lillian…
The programme which the Cameos presented was very popular. There were splendid singing and there will be comedy songs tonight. Performances by Lillian Gascoine, Lyle Jeffries, Gerald Osborne, Peggy Ross, C. S. Kitte, Malcolm Prentice.
A statement about the winter season of Victoria Theatre has been made by Mr. J. J. Blake, the manager. Concerning serial pictures were so much appreciated by cinema-goers, Mr. Blake has arranged to screen first 'The Grip of Evil,' with Jackie Saunders in the leading role. Other serials…
The Cameos appeared in an excellent programme last night. The others of the company were also well received which showed evidence of good selection. Performances by Athol Tier and Lillian Gasecoigne.
Cameos presented their second last programme for the present season at the Victoria. Performances by Athol Tier, Lillian Gasecoigne, Gerald Osborne, Lyle Jeffries.
The Light That Failed' is the first Rudyard Kipling work to be produced as a motion picture played by a well-known cast. Directed by Edward Jose, and played by Robert Edeson, Claude Fleming, Jose Collins and Lillian Tucker. Film synopsis included.
In 'The Light That Fails' produced as a Pathe Gold Rooster Play, and to be presented at the Victoria Theatre tomorrow, the cast includes Claude Fleming, Jose Collins and Lillian Tucker, and Robert Edeson. Claude Fleming made his first appearance in England with Sir. Elbert Beerbohm…
The Light that Failed,' produced as a Pathe Gold Rooster Play, is to be presented at the Victoria Theatre tomorrow, the cast includes Claude Fleming, Jose Collins, Lilian Tucket, and Robert Edeson. The picture should be a big drawing due to the author and the cast's popularity. Mr.…