Matinee for children, when the Queen's Jubilee Views will be exhibited besides other interesting and amusing for the little folks. As for the 9.15 p.m. section, last opportunity to see the Queen's Jubilee Pictures and others so highly spoken of by the press. Booking at the Robinson…
Commencing at 9 p.m. on the 26th, 28th & 30th, Xylophone & Kinematograph Entertainment. Mme. Meranda and Little Lilly in their clever Xylophone and Zither and Comic Violin Entertainments.
The artistic character of 'living pictures' shown in the theatre Royal last night deserved a larger house. The entertainment of the highest class is provided. Sir Approval, Lady Lugard's little friends, the son of the Colonel and Mrs. Darling appreciate the 'living pictures…
Tsang Chung, a house 'boy,' attached to the Victoria Gaol quarters, created a disturbance last night in the Tai Ping Theatre, for which he had to pay dearly at the Magistracy this morning.
Tonight! Tonight! First appearance in Hongkong of Prof. Carl Rozello, the entertaining English magician and society entertainer. Performances by Melle Yvonne D'Arthis, Miss Nellie Loftus, Little Miss Irene. New films, humoristic and sentimental. Machado's String Band. Time 9 to 11.…
The Alexandra Cinema-Theatre is visiting Hong Kong. Their performance last night in a hall at No. 2 Zetland Street started shortly after eight. With the Manila String Band in attendance, and with Mr. Gongiles at the piano, the first performance was a song 'Honey Boy' by Miss Thelma.…
The newly established Alexandra Cinema-Theatre in Zetland Street is a district addition to Hongkong's amusements and should prove a great success. The films shown are new and amusing, the orchestra makes sweet music. Signor Torras, the tenor, Miss Russell, and little Miss Thelma, all sing…
Miss Violet, with her little daughter Thelma, both popular artists at the Alexandra Cinema Theatre, will conclude their present engagement on Saturday evening, prior to their departure for Shanghai, at which place both artists have secured first-class engagements.
At the Alexandra Cinema-Theatre on Saturday evening a very large and enthusiastic audience gathered to witness the farewell performances of Miss Violet Russel and Little Thelma, who have had just concluded a two months' successful engagement with the management of the above theatre.…
Parisian Cinematograph Co. opened in the gardens of the Kowloon Hotel, at which place they are to render a series of open air entertainment through animated picture machine on Friday. It was very unlucky that the rain came down in torrents just a little before the time for starting.
Mr. Li Sum Ling, the editor of the 'Chinese Mail,' said that his first day in London was a very busy one. He believed that the London music hall was more entertaining than grand opera in Paris. The moving pictures were extremely realistic. He said that there was, of course, biograph in…
Two performances every night including magnificent comic and dramatic films; Performance from Miss Violet Rusell and Little Thelma
Benefit performance of Miss Phyllis Eddie Macdonald of the Tivoli Theatre, Sydney. The talented French artistes Mille Cecilia and Mr L. Verard. Miss Violet Ruddell and little Thelma. Two performances nightly. Schedule details included. Tickets can also be obtained at the Robinson Piano Co. Don…
Two performances every night including magnificent comics and dramatic films; Performance from the Miss M'Donald, Mlle. Cecilia, Mr. Verard, Miss Violet Rusell and Little Thelma; Programme change every second day
There was a bumper house at the Victoria Cinematograph on Sunday evening, when Miss P.E. Macdonald held her benefit performance. Mille Cecilia and Mr L. Verard continue to please the large audiences while Miss Violet Russell and Little Thelma are great favourites. The pictures thrown on the…
Miss Phyllis Eddis Macdonald of the Tivoli Theatre, Sydney. The talented French artistes Mille Cecilia and Mr L. Verard. Miss Violet Ruddell and little Thelma. Two performances nightly. Schedule details included. Tickets can also be obtained at the Robinson Piano Co. Don't forget the…
Atrocious cruelty has been proved against managers of a cinematograph show who arrange thrilling scenes. The spectacle chosen in this case was the fall of a runaway horse drawing a carriage over a precipice. The scene was actually performed while a photographer took it. The Lorient police…
Alexandra Cinematograph, in Zetland Street, offered the audiences high quality films. To begin with, the firm reproduced on the screen are the production of the noted firm of Pathe Freres of Paris. If we have a fault to find with the show at all it is that there was too little of the educational…
On Thursday evening there will be installed a continuous performance of moving pictures at the Star Cinematograph in Wyndham Street. This little theatre should become very popular on account of its location and the convenience afforded patrons to drop in at any hour. The management promises to…
Last night, at the Ko Shing Theatre, a series of comic and instructive films were thrown on the screen by the American Cinematograph Company before a preponderatingly Chinese audience. It cannot be said that all the pictures were clear and distinct, several of them being dimmed to an extent…