Tonight at 9.15 p.m., Mrs. Charlie Chaplin (Mildred Harris) in the great Lois Weber production, 'The Price of a Good Time.' Matinee Sunday 6th April at 6 p.m., 'A Soul Enslaved,' an emotional drama, featuring Cled [sic] Madison. Booking at Anderson's.
Tonight, Mrs. Charlie Chaplin (Mildred Harris) in 'The Price of a Good Time.' April 3 and 4 remarks: The great Lois Weber Production, 'The Price of a Good Time.' 'A Soul Enslaved,' an emotional drama feature Cleo Madison. Booking at Anderson's.
Tonight 9.15 p.m., the girl everybody wants to see, Mrs. Charlie Chaplin (Mildred Harris) in the great Lois Weber production, 'The Price of a Good Time.' Matinee Sunday 6th, April at 6 p.m., 'A Soul Enslaved,' an emotional drama, featuring Cled [sic] Madison. Booking at…
Several pieces of news were included in this article: 1. Enrico Caruso, the great tenor of the Metropolitan Opera House in New York, made his debut at the Rivoli, New York in a picture entitled 'My Cousin'; 2. Soldiers and sailors throughout the war have been in demand for pictures,…
The second of a notable series of productions made by Frank Keenan, in which he appears as the star, opened its run at the Victoria Theatre yesterday. It is called 'Gates of Brass.' Mr. Keenan has surrounded himself with a cast of exceptional ability, including Lois Wilson, George…
In 'Gates of Brass' to be shown tonight at the Victoria Theatre, Frank Keenan gives one of the most fascinating and powerful performance on the screen. He is supported by Lois Wilson, George Fisher, Clyde Benston [sic], Edwin Tilton, Lillian Langdon and Frank De Loan. The play is…
Mildred Harris, who starred in popular pictures such as 'The Price of a Good Time' and 'A Doctor and the Woman,' will be seen at the Hongkong Theatre today in her latest Universal-Jewel production 'Borrowed Clothes.' She is supported by Lewis J. Cody, Edward J. Peel…
Lois Wilson in 'Broad Daylight.'
Sunday programme at 6 p.m. and 9.15 p.m., Lois Wilson in 'Broad Daylight.'
The World Theatre is showing Broad Daylight starring Lois Wilson in their Sunday programme at 6.00 and 9.15.
Sunday programme at 6 and 9.15 p.m., Lois Wilson in 'Broad Daylight.' July 16 Remarks: Picture included.