The Lord Chamberlain has issued a circular addressed to the London managers requiring all theatres to be closed on the evening of Coronation and the following day.
Premier hall of the colony (Des Voeux Road Central, Opposite Central Market). Tonight! For three nights only. Grand attraction. 'Bag Pipe Selections.' Pipe Major. 'W. Burnside.' Late piper to Lord Stewart Vane Tempest. Selections of Scotch and Irish competition tunes.
Messrs Ramos and Ramos have sent the sum £67.13s. 5d. To the Lord Mayor of London in aid of the Mansion House Titanic Relief Fund. This sum was realised at the recent entertainment at the Victoria Theatre, Hongkong, on behalf of the Titanic Fund.
The sum of £67. 13s. 5d. has been sent by Messrs. Ramos and Ramos to the Lord Mayor of London in aid of the Mansion House Titanic Relief Fund. This sum was realised at the recent entertainment at the Victoria Theatre on behalf of the Titanic Fund. The management of the Victoria announces the…
A cinematograph film entitled 'From Manger to Cross' screened at the Queen's Hall. The series of pictures gives the biography of Our Lord, and is the work of the Kalem Company, who is said to have spent no less than $20,000 on making the necessary photographs.
London, March 11 – Field Marshal Lord Roberts is continuing his campaign for the promotion of national defence. Workmen have been accorded places of honour on the platforms. Meetings are to be held at Wolverhampton on the 14th for which special trains are to be run from midland towns. There will…
London, April 19 – Lord Roberts addressed a great demonstration at the Town Hall: 'While the politicians were still blind and indifferent to the revolution in public opinion on the subject of national service, it was one of the greatest which had taken place during the past 75 years.…
London, Jan. 20. – Cinematograph films representing the various stages and aspects of life in the Army have been produced under the auspices of the War Office. Lord Roberts and 1,000 men of the Aldershot Division witnessed the first production.
Film screening of 'The Mystery of Yellow Room' (in 3 parts); Coming film: Lord Lytton's 'The Last Days of Pompeii' and 'George Carpentler v. Bomdardler Wells'
Tonight at 9.15, the detective picture 'The Mystery of Yellow Room' in 3 parts; Lord Lytton's wonderful masterpiece 'The Last Days of Pompeii' in 8,000 feet will soon be exhibited; watch for the great picture George Carpentier v Bomdardier Wells.
Film screening of 'The Sleeping Car Man' (in 2 parts); Coming film: Lord Lytton's 'The Last Days of Pompeii'
Tonight at 9.15, the comic picture 'The Sleeping Car Man' in 2 parts, and a fine selection of pictures; Lord Lytton's wonderful masterpiece 'The Last Days of Pompeii' will be exhibited on Apr 13.
Screening of Lord Lytton's 'The Last Days of Pompeii' (in 5 parts, 8,000 ft); Late car to Peak
Tonight at 9.15, Lord Lytton's wonderful masterpiece 'The Last Days of Pompeii' will be exhibited, length 8,000 feet in 5 parts.
The Last Days of Pompeii,' Lord Lytton's famous novel, unfolded a story with human interest, splendid costumes, realistic surroundings and perfect details. The production is a masterpiece which must be seen to be appreciated.
The pictures at the 'Palisade' were excellent and very clear together with the al fresco conditions. The 'Gazette' showing several of the last movements of Lord Kitchener was particularly acceptable.
Screening of 'Sixty Years A Queen'; Also 'The Horse Thief' (Keystone) and 'Harry's Gazette'; tomorrow night a full band will be attendance
Screening of 'Sixty Years A Queen'; Also 'The Horse Thief' (Keystone) and 'Harry's Gazette'; Tonight a full band will be attendance
Tonight, Oppenheim's great mystery serial, 4th and 5th episodes of 'The Black Box,' with each succeeding instalment, the mystery of 'The Black Box' increases in interest and intense excitement, each episode contains a smashing climax; Comedy and Tragedy in 3 reels, a…
On Oct 4, a grand benefit concert; pictures: 'The Victoria Cross' in 4 parts; a drama of the present war, 'A Soldier's Honour,' Pathe's Gazette, showing scenes in which the late Lord Kitchener appears; performance by artists.