On Sept 21, 5th and 6th series of 'Lucille Love'; Pathe's famous comics Max Linder as hair dresser in 'Billy's Bugle.'
Films screenings including 'Lucille Love' (5th & 6th series) and Pathe's 'Max Linder as Hair Dresser' and 'Billy's Bugle'; Photos included
At the Bijou Theatre, a very pathetic domestic-interest story, 'A Mother's Sacrifice,' is being shown, while another feature of the programme is an excellent Max Linder picture, 'Max as Hair Dresser.' There will be a complete change of programme on Wednesday.
A verdict of 'Death from misadventure' was returned at the inquest on Edith Louise Koester, 35, formerly a film actress who was found dead in bed at her rooms in Guilford-street Russell square. She was accustomed to takimg vernal to overcome insomnia, and a quantity of the drug was…
Mr. L. Mario Rodriguez will present Mlle. Marie Louise Sterlicg from the Grand Opera House, Paris, for one week only
today: Mr. L. Mario Rodriguez will present Mlle. Marie Louise Sterlicg from the Grand Opera House, Paris, for one week only
Tonight: Mr. L. Mario Rodriguez will present Mlle. Marie Louise Sterlicg from the Grand Opera House, Paris, for one week only
On Nov 23, last two nights of the famous star artiste Marie Louise Sterling; Pathe's great photoplay, 'Sunshine & Gold' in 5 parts, featuring Baby Marie Osborne; interesting: 'Annals of the War'; instructive: 'Lion Cubs' and 'How Jim Won His Valentine…
Mlle. Marie Louise Sterling, whom the programme announced as having been a premiere dance use at the Grand Opera House, Paris, was the principal attention at the Victoria Theatre last night, when she commenced a four nights' engagement. There was a fairly large audience. The pictures shown…
At the Victoria Theatre, Mlle. Marie Louise Sterlicg made her first appearance last evening. The classical dances were especially enjoyed.
Last two nights of Mlle. Marie Louise Sterlicg; Screening of Pathe's 'Sunshine & Gold' featuring Baby Marie Osborne, 'Annals of the War', 'Lion Cubs' and 'How Jim Won His Valentine' (comic)
Mlle. Marie Louise Sterling continues her season at the Victoria Theatre, and the opportunity of seeing this talented classical dancer should not be missed. In addition to this attraction, the Victoria is showing a special Golden Rooster film, entitled 'Sunshine and Gold.' This picture…
Mlle. Marie Louise Sterlicg gave further dances at the Victoria Theatre. The chief item of the pictures was 'Sunshine and Gold,' starring Baby Marie Osborne. Other films were 'Annals of the War' and 'How Jim won his Valentine.'
A splendid programme has been arranged by the management of Victoria Theatre for the grand concert to be given there in aid of Heather Day Fund. Dance performance by Mlle. Louise Sterling. Booking at the Anderson Music Co.
A successful concert was held at the Victoria Theatre last evening. New items were provided by Mr. White and Mr. Adams. A new comedy song was sung and singers were greatly applauded. Performances by Mlle. Louise Sterling, Pipers McEwen, McGregor, Jack Straw.
17th, 18th and 19th April, screening 'Jewel,' a most beautiful story, complete in seven parts, featuring Ella Hall the darling of the films, written and produced from the novel by Clara Louise Burnham. Also comics. Saturday, 20th April, see 7th and 8th episodes of 'The Red Ace.…
The new programme which the Victoria Theatre management put on last night, and which will be continued for two nights longer, was of a most varied and attractive character. Its main feature was the four-part film, 'The Song of Fire,' which is splendidly acted and most elaborately set.…
A short while ago we introduced to you a new Fox Star – George Walsh – and everything that we said about him fourteen crowded houses corroborated. Tomorrow we shall show upon the screen at the Coronet another actor of eminence, but of an entirely different style – William S. Hart – in a…
Tonight, showing 10th to 19th episodes of 'The Voice on the Wire.' Friday 14th, matinee at 5.15 p.m., showing 'A Winter's Tale,' a drama in 4 parts. Saturday 15th, see Louise Huff in 'Destiny's Toy.'
February 15, 16, 17 and 18, showing a Paramount feature in 5 parts, Louise Huff in 'Destiny's Toy,' also Gazette and Comics. Tuesday 18th, matinee at 5.15 p.m., showing 'The Daughter of MacGregor,' a beautiful Paramount photoplay in 5 parts.