A contest between an unsophisticated country boy and an experienced city man over a girl they love is one of the interesting phrases of 'The Gilded Lily,' an original picture story by Clara Beranger, in which Mae Murry, the famous Paramount star, will be seen at the Star today. Lowell…
For the first time in the history of Paramount picture-making in the East, scenes made by the Prizma process in natural colours have been incorporated into a Paramount feature picture. This was for 'The Gilded Lily,' featuring Mae Murray, which will be shown at the Star theatre for…
Today and tomorrow only, Lionel Barrymore in 'The Face in the Fog' supported by Seena Owen and Lowell Shermon [sic]. Also Coronet Review, the latest newsreel of the world. November 4 Remarks: Our own Topical Film.
The Coronet: Today & tomorrow, Lionel Barry More [sic] in 'The Face in the Fog,' supported by Seena Owen and Lowell Sherman. The Star: Tuesday only, Mary Pickford in 'Tess of the Storm Country,' with special musical setting.
You have seen Lionel Barrymore as a prince in 'Enemies of Women.' See him now as Boston Blackie, the best-loved crook character in all fiction, in 'The Face in the Fog,' cast includes Seena Owen and Lowell Sherman. Today and tomorrow at 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15 p.m.
Today and tomorrow only, Lionel Barrymore, the star of 'Enemies of Women,' in 'The Face in the Fog' supported by Seena Owen and Lowell Sherman. Also Coronet Review, the latest newsreel of the world.
The Coronet: Final showing today, Lionel Barry More [sic] in 'The Face in the Fog,' supported by Seena Owen and Lowell Sherman. The Star: Today & tomorrow at 5.15 & 9.15 p.m., Norma Talmadge in 'Ashes of Vengeance,' with special musical setting.
Final showing today, Lionel Barrymore in 'The Face in the Fog,' supported by Seena Owen and Lowell Sherman. Also our own Topical Film, the latest newsreel of the world.
Tonight till Saturday, Hope Hampton and Lowell Sherman in 'The Truth About Women.'
Tonight till Saturday, Hope Hampton and Lowell Sherman in 'The Truth About Women.' Film reviews from New York World and New York Sun included.
Tonight till Saturday, Hope Hampton and Lowells Herman [sic] in 'The Truth About Women.'
Hongkong gave a fine welcome to the world-famed Denishawn dancers at the Queen's Theatre last evening. Miss St. Denis appeared several times both in solo efforts and partnered by Ted Shawn. Performances included 'Xochitl' and 'Three Little Maids.' Other performers…