Another amazing programme, 'Hullo is that you bill?' 'Yes,' don't forget we must go to the Vic. and see 'Sherlock Holmes' and 'Wiffles' on Tuesday; 'what's coming off on Friday the 10th?' 'Why, the great Panama International…
Charlie Chaplin, Mabel Normand, Marie Dressler and the Keystone police in 'Tilly's Punctured Romance' commencing tomorrow
Film screening of 'Tilly's Punctured Romance' (6 reels) featuring Charlie Chaplin, Mabel Normand, Marie Dressler
Charlie Chaplin is soon to make his appearance in Hong Kong with the picture 'Tilly's Punctured Romance.' Mabel Normand is at her best in one of the leading parts, supported by Mike Newman. Features to be shown 'The Victoria Cross' from London Cosmo Company, 'The…
The Great Chaplin Picture on Sunday, 26th March. Marie Dressler, Mabel Normand and the Keystone police are featured. A grand gala night for the H.K. overseas on Thursday, 30th March. Melbourne comedy. Charlie Chaplin's 'Night Out' also included.
Charlie Chaplin's 'Tilly's Punctured Romance' was greatly enjoyed. Charlie has a close-runner in the comedy line in this film with Marie Dressler who is as much an outstanding character as he is. Another role that attracts attention is taken by Mabel Normand who was favoured…
Films screenings including 'Hearts and Swords' (2 parts), 'High Spots in Broadway' and 'Tilly's Punctured Romance'
With Miss Marie Dressler, Mabel Normand and Charlie Chaplin at the Victoria Theatre, everyone was well entertained, together with the Keystone Comic Programme.
Films screenings including 'The Spell of Darkness' (3 reels), 'Col. Hezza Liar', 'Bloomer and the Hobble' and 'Mabel at the Wheel' (Keystone); Coming film: 'The Arch Villain'
The drama in 8 reels, 'The Spell of Darkness,' on Tuesday, 4th April, 1916. Comedies including 'Col. Hezza Liar' (by request), 'Bloomer and the Hobbie,' the Great Keystone picture in 2 reels and 'Mabel at the Wheel.' 'The Arch Villain' is coming…
On Sep 11, one night only, grand comedy & band night; see 'Max Linder's Elopement' [sic], 'Wiffles Going to the Dentist,' 'Love, Speed & Thrills' (Keystone), and 'Mabel and Fatty and the Law' [sic].
On Oct 20, Pathe's great serial, 1st and 2nd episodes of 'The Red Circle' in 4 parts; 'The Great War: Approaching the 2nd Line,' the terrific battle of the Somme, see what the home papers say; comics: 'Love's Cunning,' 'Charlie's Recreation…
Screening of Pathe's 'The Red Circle' (1st & 2nd episode) and 'The Great War: Approaching the 2nd Line' (The Terrific Battle of Somme); Comics: 'Loves Cunning', 'Charles Recreation' (Chaplin Comedy), 'Mabel's Bear Escape' (Keystone…
Tonight: Screening of Pathe's 'The Red Circle' (1st & 2nd episode) and 'The Great War: Approaching the 2nd Line' (The Terrific Battle of Somme); Comics: 'Loves Cunning', 'Charles Recreation' (Chaplin Comedy), 'Mabel's Bear Escape' (…
Last night of screening 'The Battle of Somme' and 'Red Circle' (1st and 2nd episodes); Comics: 'Mabel and Fatty's Washday', 'A Day of Glory' and 'Zi-Zi and Others'; Coming film: 'Broken Coin' (3rd and 4th episodes);
On Oct 23, band night; last night of 'The Battle of the Somme' [sic]; 1st and 2nd episodes of 'The Red Circle'; on Oct 24, the thrilling serial play, 3rdd and 4th episodes of 'The Broken Coin'; comics: 'Mabel and Fatty's Wash Day' (Keystone), 'A…
On Dec 12, performance by Brilliant; Pathe's interesting photoplay 'The She Wolf' in 3 parts; The Great War Series (D.4); Pathe's British Gazette; Sauce for the Gander; Thousand Dollars Reward; 'Mabel's Wilful Way.'
Performance by Miss May Billiant; Screening of Pathe's photoplay 'The She Wolf', 'The Great War Series (D4)', 'Pathe's British Gazette', 'Sauce for the Gander', 'Thousand Dollar Reward' and 'Mabels Wilful Way'
Tonight: Performance by Miss May Billiant; Screening of Pathe's photoplay 'The She Wolf', 'The Great War Series (D4)', 'Pathe's British Gazette', 'Sauce for the Gander', 'Thousand Dollar Reward' and 'Mabels Wilful Way'
Performance by the Great White Mahatma Company, Dr. Richard Rowe and Mora; Picture Programme: Mary Pickford in an Indian love drama and Miss Mabel Normand in a drama of intense interest