There is a very fine theatre on Kowloon Point. At least we conclude it is fine one from the manner in which the Chinese flock to it. Kowloonites don't object to the theatre itself, because it isn't a nuisance; but what they do object to is the fearful row made by the audience at the…
A very good story is told of Mr. Sidney Dark, the dramatic critic, and this year's President of the O.P. Club, who took the chair at the Old Savoyards dinner, Mr. Dark, as is well-known, is the critic of the 'Daily Express,' and went into the sub-editor's room one evening…
The Royal party had a very busy day with the return of Duke and Duchess, who had to carry out everyone waited at the Ko Shing Theatre for the tea party arranged by the Chinese community in Ko Shing Theatre. The theatre was beautifully decorated with ferns and flowers. The stage looked like a…
The management of the above neat little theatre in Wyndham Street is to be congratulated upon the excellent opening performance given last night. There is a display of anxiety as a rule in many parts of the world to convert a cinematograph show into a variety of performance. We are glad to see…
(Flower Street) Two shows nightly at 9:15 p.m. Price details included. The Pathe Gazatte No. 161. Drama included, 'The Diamond Rose.' Picture shows including 'Christmas Boxes,' 'Weary Will Gets a Job,' 'Waiting for Mother,' 'Eccentric Rubber Comedian…
Every evening at 7.15 p.m. and 9.15 p.m., 'The World in Motion'; 'The Diamond Rose,' 'Weary will Get a Job,' 'Christmas Boxes,' Eccentric Rul-l-er, Comedian; the Pathe Gazette no. 161; 'Wiggles and the Magic Wand' [sic]; 'Waiting for Mother…
The Bijou promises a great draw tonight 'Won Through Waiting' [sic] – a drama that comes from Europe with a fine reputation. Max Linder supplies the comic relief, and how funny he is needing no telling. The Misses Connor and Porter Appear in new songs.
Special attraction tonight, the famous sensational drama (art cinema, coloured, length 8000 feet), 'Won through Waiting'; and also 'A Farm House Romance' by Max Linder, musical interludes by Dellie Connor and Gladys Porter.
(Flower Street) 3000 feet art cinema-coloured film, 'Won Through Waiting!' and 'A Farm House Romance' by Max Linder. Debut of Miss Gladys Porter and Miss Dellie Connor.
With excellent programme shown last night, large houses should be the order at the Bijou Scenic Theatre this week. The capital pictures that are exhibited include one in two parts entitled 'Won through Waiting,' which is one of Pathe Freres' beautifully coloured productions. the…
Programme at 9:15 p.m. News of the day (Pathe gazette) included. Comics include 'Moustache and the Maids,' 'Nick Winter's New Pupil,' 'Sauce for the Goose,' 'Waiting for Mother' and 'Abbreviations.' Performances by Miss Violet Bonetia and…
News of the Day (Pathe Gazette); 'The Moustache and the Maids' (comic); Nick Winter's 'New Pupil,' 'Sauce for the Goose,' 'Waiting for Mother,' and 'Abbreviations'; performance by Violet Bonetta and Cecile Stephano; 7.15 pictures only.
Screening of the News in Pictures by Pathe International Gazette; New comics inculded: 'The Moustache and The Maids', 'Nick Winter's New Pupil', 'Sauce for The Goose', 'Waiting for Mother' and 'Abbreviations'; Performances by Miss Violet…
To the Editor S. C. M. Post – A suggestion of moving the long films from the second part of the programme to the first part is made so that the cinemas could earn more. Many people cannot wait for the second part due to the early working hours.
It is no longer necessary to wait in the pit queue at the Adelphi Theatre, London. The pit has been entirely reseated with tip-up seats numbered and to be reserved, but the tickets are sold at the theatre on the day only and not until 6:30 each day.
Tonight at 9.15, 'The Stolen Treaty,' a film in three parts, a novel plot, carefully unfolded so that right to the end you are hold enthralled waiting to see what will happen; for three nights only, performance by Miguel Scherbellis.
The extract of the article by Mr. Malcolm Ross mentioned that he wandered into one of the cinema halls. The hall was filled with officers and there were concerts, boxing matches and moving pictures being screened. Films include 'Kiss me, Sergeant,' 'Tonight's the Night.…
At the Victoria Theatre on Saturday evening, 'The Cameos,' a 'Comedy, Concert Party' from South Africa, received a very cordial welcome on the occasion of their first appearance before a Hong Kong audience. Miss Peggy Ross was unable to be present on Saturday. Miss Lillian…
The Cameos provided the most enjoyable party. The programme was well selected and they were greeted by another large audience last night. Performances by Peggy Ross, Malcolm Prentice, Phoda Windrum, Gerald Osborne, Jack Kershaw.
There was quite a large and appreciative house at the Victoria Theatre last evening, when 'The Cameos' further enhanced their reputation here by a programme of undoubted excellence. Miss Lillian Gascoigne, Mr. Athol Tier, Miss Rhoda Windrum, Miss Lyle Jeffries, and Miss Peggy Rose…