Tod' Sloan, the famous American Jockey who revolutionized race-riding in Europe some 18 years ago with the forward seat or 'monkey crouch' is now riding races in England for the cinema films. In one event he has to beat a motor-car.
The extract of the article by Mr. Malcolm Ross mentioned that he wandered into one of the cinema halls. The hall was filled with officers and there were concerts, boxing matches and moving pictures being screened. Films include 'Kiss me, Sergeant,' 'Tonight's the Night.…
At the Victoria Theatre on Saturday evening, 'The Cameos,' a 'Comedy, Concert Party' from South Africa, received a very cordial welcome on the occasion of their first appearance before a Hong Kong audience. Miss Peggy Ross was unable to be present on Saturday. Miss Lillian…
The Cameos provided the most enjoyable party. The programme was well selected and they were greeted by another large audience last night. Performances by Peggy Ross, Malcolm Prentice, Phoda Windrum, Gerald Osborne, Jack Kershaw.
There was quite a large and appreciative house at the Victoria Theatre last evening, when 'The Cameos' further enhanced their reputation here by a programme of undoubted excellence. Miss Lillian Gascoigne, Mr. Athol Tier, Miss Rhoda Windrum, Miss Lyle Jeffries, and Miss Peggy Rose…
Yesterday afternoon, by kind invitation of the management, local soldiers and sailors, with their wives and children, were invited to a performance by 'The Cameos.' Mr. Blake, manager of the Victoria Theatre, announced on behalf of 'The Cameos' that to all future performance…
The Cameos entertained the soldiers and sailors yesterday. Various artistes joined in and men of services welcome the announcement that they will be admitted to the performances at usual prices. Performances by Peggy Ross, Malcolm Prentice, Phoda Windrum, Gerald Osborne, C.C.Kitts, Lillian…
The audience was not nearly so large as it ought to have been at the Victoria Theatre last night, when the popular 'Cameos' made a welcome reappearance and submitted a programme on behalf of the 'Our Day' Fund. Mr. Athol Tier was once again a great favourite last night as the…
Cameos' paid their return visit to Hongkong. The drawings of last evening were devoted to 'Our Day' Fund. Artists were entertaining as ever and the programme was entirely new. Performances by Lyle Jeffries, Lilian Gascoine, Pegg Ross, Rhoda Windrum, Gerald Osborne, Malcolm Pretice…
Continued success of the 'Cameos' programme, details included. Performances by The Cameos, Lyle Jeffries, Malcolm Prentice, Rhoda Windrum, Gerald Osborne, Lilian Gascoine, Athol Tier.
The return visit of 'Cameos' is proving quite as big a success as their original stay in Hong Kong some time ago, the Victoria Theatre being well filled last night. Miss Lyle Jeffries, Miss Rhoda Windrum, Miss Lilian Gascoigne, and Miss Peggy Ross sang songs. Mr. Malcolm Prentice is a…
Continued success of the 'Cameos' programme, 3rd programme details included. Performances by The Cameos, Athol Tier and the Company, Gerald Osborne, Peggy Ross, Malcolm Prentice, Rhoda Windrum, Lyle Jeffries, Lilian Gascoine.
The programme which the Cameos presented was very popular. There were splendid singing and there will be comedy songs tonight. Performances by Lillian Gascoine, Lyle Jeffries, Gerald Osborne, Peggy Ross, C. S. Kitte, Malcolm Prentice.
There was quite a large audience at the Victoria Theatre last night when the Cameos submitted what is known as their 'No. 3 Programme' in which many new items appear. Mr. Athold Tier, Mr. Gerald Osborne, Miss Peggy Ross, Mr. Malcolm Prentice, Miss Rhoda Windrum, Miss Lyle Jeffries,…
Cameos' continue their successful season the Victoria Theatre. Various music performances by artists were well received. Performance by Peggy Ross, Malcolm Prentice, Lilian Gascoine, Miss Lyle Jeffries, Gerald Osborne, Charles Kitts and Jack Kershaw.
Continued success of the 'Cameos' programme, 4th programme details included. Performances by The Cameos, Lyle Jeffries and Company, Rhoda Windrum, Gerald Osborne, Peggy Ross, Malcolm Prentice, Athol Tier; Additional performances on Saturday's Grand Matinee and Sunday's…
At the Victoria Theatre the Cameos presented another splendid programme with singers giving splendid performances. Performance by Miss Lyle Jeffries, Miss Lilian Gascoine, Miss Peggy Ross, Miss Rhoda Windrum, Mr. Chas. Kitts, Mr. Malcolm, and Mr. Gerald Osborne.
The romantic French-Canadian woods, made famous by Frank Mayo in 'The Brute Breaker,' furnish the locale for 'The Magnificent Brute,' the Universal action drama which will be seen at the Hongkong Theatre today. The 'Magnificent Brute' is Lucien Hubbard's screen…
In 'The Exquisite Thief,' her latest Universal Special Attraction, which will be seen today at the Hongkong Theatre. Priscilla Dean has the part of Blue-Jean Billie. The director Tod Browning was successful in his previous films, 'The Brazen Beauty,' 'The Wicked Darling…
Commencing Friday at 9.15 p.m. only, 'My Lady's Dress,' featuring Gladys Cooper and Malcolm Cherry.