Tonight at 9.15, Gaumont Graphic, 'Bob Gets Strong' (comic), 'Light after Darkness' in 2 parts (interesting), 'The Plumber & The Lunatics' (comic), 'Pochontas' [sic] (drama), 'The Masseur's Ruse' (comedy), 'Tweedledum Rears a Pupil…
From Mar 24 to 26, the powerful and exciting drama 'Poor Children' in 4 parts - length 6,000 feet; 'Which is Which,' comic; 'To the Victor the Spoils'; 'A Fine Day for Tweedledum'; On Mar 27, 'The Broken Song' in 6 parts - length 8,000 feet;…
For 4 nights only, a great powerful dramatic film 'The Broken Song' in 6 parts - length 8,000 feet; 'Tweedledum's Itching Powder,' great comic; orchestra performance at 9.15 p.m.; 'The Missing Man' in 4 parts on Mar 30.
On Feb 19, Italian dramatic feature Theodora in 6 parts; also see comics - 'Tweedledum's Mother,' 'The Violin Scraper' [sic], and 'An Author's Conquests.'
On Aug 5, the sensational drama 'The Daughter of the Lighthouse' in 5 parts; also see 'Double Crossed' (Keystone) and Tweedledum comics.
From Dec23-26, a beautiful detective story 'The Detective's Daughter' in 5 parts; Satan's Castle in 2 parts; comics: 'Tweedledum Looking for a Job.'
On Jan 19, 5th and 6th episodes of the 'Iron Claw,' Intervention of Tito & The Spotted Warning; Pathe's British Gazette, 'The Great War' (1916-17 reserves in training); comic: 'Wiffles' Dancing Pumps,' 'Merely a Married Man' (Keystone), and…
Tonight, drama 'A Wife's Sacrifice' in 5 parts; 'Love's Young Dream'; and Tweedledum as strike leader.
Screening of 'The Secret of the Submarine' (3rd & 4th episodes) and Keystone Comics; Coming film: 'Marcel'
Tonight: Screening of 'The Secret of the Submarine' (3rd & 4th episodes) and Keystone Comics; Coming film: 'Marcel'
The Coronet Theatre, in presenting 'The Gay Old Dog' tonight, is giving the public one of the photoplay treats of the year. Hobart Henley produced and directed the film from the original short story by Edna Ferber. The main roles are portrayed by John Cumberland and Gertrude Robinson,…
Gaby,' is to be shown at the World Theatre today. The film is adapted from the novel by Marcell Herbier, entitled 'The Angel of Forgiveness.'
The Sheik's Wife,' a Henry Roussel production, featuring Marcel Vibert and Emmy Lynn with an all-star cast. Also showing Larry Semon in 'Golf.' Illustration included.
The Sheik's Wife,' directed by M. Henry-Roussell [sic], is the current attraction at the Coronet Theatre. The leading roles are taken by Marcel Vibert and Emmy Lynn. Film synopsis included.
World Theatre will be screening 'Demi-Virgins' the screen adaption of Marcel Prevest's [sic] masterpiece by Mr. Armand du Plessy who is famous for the photoplay 'The Bachelor Girl.' The film revolves around the lives of women living in a fast-paced metropolis and is in…
A few months ago, Mr. Armand du Plessy gave to the world a photoplay daring in theme, entitled 'The Bachelor Girl.' Now, Mr. Plessey has come along with 'The Demi-Virgins,' a screen adaptation of Marcel Prevost's masterpiece. It shows the same originality, the same…