Film screening of 'Ave Maria' (3 parts)
Tonight at 9.15, entire change of programme with all new pictures: historic, panoramic, and comic; including the magnificent and powerful drama in 3 parts, 'Ave Maria,' showing a child's devotion for her mother.
Films screenings including 'Resurrection of Nick Winter'; Coming film: 'The King's Service' and 'Ave Maria'
The powerful detective film, 'Resurrection of Nick Winter,' the clever detective; loot out for the all British film in the 'King's Service'; by request 'Ave Maria' will be exhibited at Saturday's matinee.
A free matinee and 'Ave Maria' will be shown in the Victoria Theatre. On Friday next the proceeds of the performance will be devoted to the Prince of Wales' Fund. Under new management several important attractions will be introduced, the first being the engagement of 'The…
On Nov 26, 'The Stepmother,' a Pathe drama in 3 reels, includes La Petite Fromet in a strong cast; Pathe's British Gazette; also 'A Suspended Ordeal' (Keystone Comic); keep an eye on 'The Spy' for Dec 3.
On Feb 11, the great Shakespearian play 'Othello' in 6 reels; interesting: Pathe's British Gazette, 'Big Guns for the Front'; comics: 'Leaning to Leanness,' 'On His Wedding Day' (Keystone); Saturday matinee 'Capt. Tom Kead'; Sunday Matinee…
The great Shakespearian play in 6 reels, 'Othello,' on Friday, 11th February, 1916. Interesting picture including 'Big Guns for the Front.' Pathe's British Gazette included. Comics including 'Leaning to Leanness' and 'On His Wedding Day' (Keystone).…
Films screenings including 'Othello' (6 reels), 'Big Guns at Front', 'Learning to Leaness', 'On His Wedding Day' (Keystone); Coming film: 'Capt. Tom Kidd' and 'Ave Maria'; Screening of 'Pathe's British Gazette
Films screenings including 'Othello' (6 reels), 'Big Guns at Front', 'Learning to Leaness', 'On His Wedding Day' (Keystone); Coming film: 'Capt. Tom Kidd' and 'Ave Maria'; Screening of 'Pathe's British Gazette
On a few occasions has the Star Theatre had such an attentive and enthusiastic audience as attended last night when Leopold Premyslav gave his first concert here. As a violinist, Premyslav is far and away beyond any visitors to the Colony, and the same might be said of his wife Eugenie in…
Moon of Israel' comes to the Coronet Theatre this evening. The film is starred by Adelqui Millar [sic], Maria Corda and Henry Mar. Story by Sir H. Rider Haggard and produced by Sir Oswald Stoll. Film plot included.
Moon of Israel' is showing at the Coronet Theatre. The film is starred by Adelqui Millar [sic], Maria Corda and Henry Mar. Story by Sir H. Rider Haggard and produced by Sir Oswald Stoll. Film plot included.