Performances by Miss Rosa Barnes, Mr Harry Gray, Miss Malvena Moore, Mr John R. Reynolds, Miss Agnes Freed, Don Frances and Frank Frances, Madame Weber, Mr Tom Queen, Miss Marie Barton and Mr Joe Somers. The Biograph showing all the latest stirring scenes from South Africa during the War. Harry…
The Company have arrived by the S.S. 'Rosetta Maru' and will positively open on Thursday, 8th May, at the Theatre Royal. Performances by Miss Rosa Barners, Harry Gray, Malvena Moore, John R. Reynolds, Agnes Freed, Don Frances and Frank Frances, Madame Weber, Tom Queen, Marie Barton and…
Amusement Tax' was instituted a year or two ago in Russia, for founding an institution for the poor, under the title of the 'Empress Marie Foundation.' The tax is laid upon every amusement ticket sold, and the managers increase the price accordingly. Already more than 1,000,000…
A poultry dealer named Lo U Hi, of No. 17, Ko Shing Street, went to the Public Gardens yesterday, got up and crouched upon the seat, and was admiring the picturesque scenery, when the watchman seized him and took him to the station. This morning he was charged at the Magistracy.
New pictures will be shown in Weismann's Rooms tonight, including: 'Life of Marie Antoinette,' 'The Hen with the Golden Eggs,' 'The Opium Smoker' and others of serious and comic characters.
(Opposite Central Market) Tonight. New films! 'The Sinking of the Mary Jane.' Schedule details included.
Parisian Cinematograph Co. opened in the gardens of the Kowloon Hotel, at which place they are to render a series of open air entertainment through animated picture machine on Friday. It was very unlucky that the rain came down in torrents just a little before the time for starting.
Open-air cinematograph show in the hotel gardens every Saturday and Sunday; Assorted ices would be served on the Lawn during the performance
In the place of the present makoshifts [sic] which do duty as cinematograph theatres, shortly be erected on the site of the present Hongkong Cinematograph in Des Voeux Road, a palatial building of steel frames and reinforced concrete by a syndicate headed by Mr. Fogliano. The building will be…
Manila will soon be able to boast the finest combined roof garden, open-air theatre and restaurant in the Orient. The theatre will be handsomely designed with a capacity of 800 seats and will be arranged for vaudeville performances or for cinematograph shows.
Wednesday at 9.15 p.m., a complete change of programme and pictures; new songs and duets by Miss Vera Ferrace and Miss Ruby Crystal. Screening: 'The King's Command,' 'Tragic Idyll,' 'Picturesque Biarritz,' 'Zoological Gardens, London,' 'Boxing on…
A fine film entitled the 'Queen's Necklace,' which illustrates a chapter of French history, is to be shown at the Victoria Theatre tonight. The case of the diamond necklace was a historical scandal which took place about 1785, in the reign of the ill-fated Louis XVI and Marie…
March 11 to March 16, open from 2.30 p.m. daily, many attractions; stalls, for the sale of articles and curios of every description; exhibition, a magnificent loan exhibition of porcelain; music, by kind permission of the Naval and Military Authorities music will be supplied daily by H.M.S.…
In the Summary Court yesterday, Tam Ho, a contractor, claimed $152.5 from the Pathe Phono Cinema Chine, of 8 Wyndham Street, being the amount paid by the plaintiff to the defendants for the purchase of three films which the plaintiffs guaranteed or warranted to be in good order and condition,…
The special feature at the Victoria picture show tonight is a 2,800 feet historical film entitled 'Jacobites,' a story of Prince Charlie, Bonnie Mary and the battle of Culloden. The picture will be exhibited for a few nights only.
Tonight's programme: Pathe Gazette 'Great Gale on Home Coast', 'The Adventures of Dick and Harry', 'The Timid Lovers Max Convalescent' and 'The Luxembour'; Performance by Miss Cecile Stephano and Miss Dviolet Bonetta; 7:15 pm pictures only
Tonight at 9.15, 'Great Gale on the Home Coast' (Pathe Gazette), 'The Adventures of Dick and Harry,' 'The Timid Lovers,' 'Max Convalescent' [sic], 'The Luxembourg Gardens'; performance by Stephano and Bonetta; look out for 'Les Miserables,…
Tonight at 9:15 p.m. including 'Great Gale on Home Coast,' 'The Adventures of Dick and Harry,' 'The Timid Lovers,' 'Max Convalescent' [sic] and 'The Luxembourg Gardens.' Performances by Miss Cecile Stephano and Miss Violet Bonetta. Artistes at…
A private view of the cinematograph films of the Hong Kong Races was given by the Variety Film Exchange Company before Lady May, the Misses May and others. The film is shown at Happy Valley, the arrival of H. E. the Governor and party. It will be first exhibited at the cinematograph garden of…
Cinematograph Film which we have already mentioned in these columns will be available to the public at the Wigwam Tennis Club tonight, tomorrow nights and Saturday, which includes 'The Legacy of Happiness,' 'Misjudging of Mr. Hubby' and 'The Popular Race Film.'…