A History Of Film Exhibition And Reception In Colonial Hong Kong: 1897 To 1925
Displaying 1 - 20 of 658
Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1897-04-27

Last night, Professor Charver gave a luminary exhibition of the latest invention in phantasmagoria in St. Andrew's Hall to a select party of press representatives and other gentlemen. There is a description of the screening of Cinematograph: a long strip of photographic film is wound from…

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1898-04-18

Carl Hertz, the conjurer, gave his last performance of the series in the Theatre Royal on Saturday night. There was a very good house. Some of the pictures shown by means of the Cinematographe were exceedingly good, and the Jubilee Procession was most enthusiastically received, more especially…

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1902-10-15

It is always more pleasant to praise than to condemn, but the pleasure is not always possible. Quite a large percentage of the last night's audience in the Theatre Royal were disappointed. Either the 'projectoscope' or its operator was at fault. The pictures jerked into all sorts…

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1904-01-23

There were 1800 persons in the Iroquois Theatre when it was burned down and more than one third lost their lives. The audience was composed principally of children as it was a matinee performance.

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1904-07-14 - 1904-07-15

Metropole Theatre introduced more new artistes by the Ware and Ross Entertainers including Miss Dora Grey, Jack Glynne, The Leopolds, Miss Gertie Maisie, Tom Morcomb, Hugh McCormick, Jas. Christie, Walter Keene, Charlie Jones and the Bioscope. Price and schedule included.

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1904-07-14 - 1904-07-16

More new artistes will be introduced by the Ware and Ross' Entertainers, e.g. Miss Dora Grey, Jack Glynne, The Leopolds, Miss Gertie Maisie, Tom Morcomb, Hugh McCormick, Jas. Christie, Walter Keene, Charlie Jones and the Bioscope.

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1904-07-14 - 1904-07-16

More new artistes will be introduced by the Ware and Ross' Entertainers, e.g. Miss Dora Grey, Jack Glynne, The Leopolds, Miss Gertie Maisie, Tom Morcomb, Hugh McCormick, Jas. Christie, Walter Keene, Charlie Jones and the Bioscope.

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1904-07-16 - 1904-07-16

Metropole Theatre introduced more new artistes by the Ware and Ross Entertainers tonight including Miss Dora Grey, Jack Glynne, The Leopolds, Miss Gertie Maisie, Tom Morcomb, Hugh McCormick, Jas. Christie, Walter Keene, Charlie Jones and the Bioscope. Price and schedule included.

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1905-03-04

The final of the Fire Brigade competition was held on the vacant ground at the rear of the Ko-shing Theatre. A flat was reserved for the Governor and party, and the Chinese pay more attention to the competition than the Europeans do as expected. The program included the Despatch box drill, the…

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1905-08-03

Amusement Tax' was instituted a year or two ago in Russia, for founding an institution for the poor, under the title of the 'Empress Marie Foundation.' The tax is laid upon every amusement ticket sold, and the managers increase the price accordingly. Already more than 1,000,000…

Headline: Illegal Hawking
Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1905-10-04

Cheng Kwai Hung, a hawker of vegetables, for which he has a licence, found hawking theatre tickets more profitable than his own avocation. He went to Po Yan Street to carry on his new line of business. Unfortunately before he had been there very long, he was spotted by Chinese lukong No. 390 in…

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1905-12-29

Canton, December 27 – There is one more new theatre by Shameen in Canton adjoining the Canton Club. The building is with modern style, and the construction details were discussed. The new Theatre will be opened on January 8th. Very detailed description of the theatre.

Headline: The City Hall
Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1906-05-03

A question arose in the Legislative Council in February last as to the advisability of acquiring the City Hall from its proprietors so that the Government might enlarge the building to suit the needs and requirements of a growing community. The public demand a larger and more modern theatre,…

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1906-09-27

Some time ago the proprietors of the Cheung Lok Theatre, at the Longevity Temple, had permitted the admission of more people than the theatre could hold, and therefore some disturbance was created. Some persons who were jealous at these proprietors' big profit, petitioned the authorities,…

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1907-08-17 - 1907-08-19

Entire change of programme; By special requests showing the 'Life and Passion of Chirst' for three more days

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1907-08-22

The exhibition of cinematograph pictures being given nightly at the Cafe Weismann rooms continues to attract large audiences. Great delight is manifested in the comic pictures, in particular, whilst the more serious ones evoke great interest. The management is continually procuring new pictures…

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1908-07-14

At the Victoria Cinematograph more electric fans are being installed, and patrons will be able to witness the excellent series of films in comfort. A new set of films are being shown, including the Royal wedding in Spain, and the bomb outrage, in addition to the sensational film 'The Castle…

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1908-10-12

Mr. Li Sum Ling, the editor of the 'Chinese Mail,' said that his first day in London was a very busy one. He believed that the London music hall was more entertaining than grand opera in Paris. The moving pictures were extremely realistic. He said that there was, of course, biograph in…

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1908-11-19

A Visitor' writes asking for further information concerning the complaint that forged tickets have been used to gain admittance to the Victoria Cinematograph in consequence of which the management will henceforth issue no more complimentary tickets.

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1908-12-04

A single picture can be good likeness in a rare case. M. Reynaud invented a toy, known as the 'praxinoscope,' to imitate 'moving picture' as the cinematograph would be too expensive and too unwieldy to show off a collection of one's friends' portraits. The…