A good music-hall programme was given last night in Theatre Royal. Owing to the illness of an important member of the company, viz, the lime-light man, the London Bioscope had to be omitted. Various artists performed included Mr. Bell: a comedian, Miss Delroy on dancing, Miss Maud Lita on…
Mr. Will Holmsworth's Co. opened their season last night at the theatre Royal, and the show is nothing short of successful. Mr. Eric Hewell, Miss Ruby Maxwell, Miss Maud Larele, and Miss Lancy Stewart performed in the first part. The first part of the programme concluded with a refined and…
On Monday the 'Napoleon of the world's magicians' arrives in the Colony and will stay one week. This magician is from England and had made various performance before the Kings and presidents. His first part of the program is called 'creation and the second part will have a…
The writer congrats Mr. Thurston, assisted by Winfield Blacke and Miss Maude Amber, on filling the theatre Royal on Saturday evening. He filled the theatre 'as we have never seen it filled before,' entertained the audience for 2.5 hours. The magician's card trick is wonderful, and…
A crowded house patronised the Great Thurston on Saturday evening and was as mystified as ever Thurston alone was well worth the money, but mention must also be made of the clever vocal comedy of Miss Maud Amber and Mr. Winfield Blake, not to mention the roaring laughter created by the moving…
Special Feature Comic: 'The Sleeping Car Conductor' and News of the Day including 'Launch of H.M.S - 'Marlborough'', 'Latest Scenes from The Front', ''Adam Beda' wins The Cambridgeshire', 'Fashions in Furs', 'Queen…
The exact dates for the performances of Miss Maud Allan and the Cherniavsky Brothers in Singapore are February 4, 5, 6 and 7, in the Victoria Theatre.
Hong Kong has to double-up on the price of theatre tickets, a firm stand might be taken. In Shanghai Maud Allan exhibits for $3 and $5. We could rethink whether we are better off here that we should have been required to pay $6.
The Melbourne Company will stage a miniature musical comedy called 'Suzanne,' members included Tosti, Stephen Adams, Edwin Green, Arthur Sullivan, Tschaikowsky, Sidney Jones, Lionel Monckton, Wagner and Miss Ada Edney with Mr Tom Melbourne.
A fund of enjoyable items was provided at the Victoria Theatre last night, by the Magpie Pierrot Troupe, for the large audience which gathered at the concert in aid of the 'Heather Day' Fund, which should benefit to a considerable amount. Pte. Pickering, Sergeant McGregor, Ice Cpl.…
A successful concert was held at the Victoria Theatre last evening. New items were provided by Mr. White and Mr. Adams. A new comedy song was sung and singers were greatly applauded. Performances by Mlle. Louise Sterling, Pipers McEwen, McGregor, Jack Straw.
The public will learn with deep interest that Colonel Wardlow Milne, who is passing through the Colony, and who was with General Maude in Mesopotamia, is to give a lecture on the Mesopotamian Campaign at the Peak Club at 9.30 p.m. on Monday next. The lecture will be illustrated with cinema films…
There is a fine programme showing at the Hongkong Theatre. After a Gazette number there is a comic 'Maud and the Bachelors.' The principal film is a 5-part Paramount Photo-play entitled 'A Girl like That.' Film plot included.
Edward Peple, the author of the Broadway success, 'The Silver Girl,' declares that the screen version, starring Frank Keenan and Catherine Adams, is the best photo-adaptation of all of his plays in screen thus far. Mr. Keenan, considered the role in this film, is his biggest of all his…
Wednesday 29th to Friday 31st October, showing Fox film in 7 parts, Maude Gilbert in 'The Fool's Revenge' and comics. Booking at the theatre.
Wednesday 29th to Friday 31st, October, showing Fox film in 7 parts, Maud [sic] Gilbert in 'The Fool's Revenge,' and Comics. Booking at the Theatre.
Announcement: There will be a matinee everyday at 5.15 p.m. (Sunday excepted). Commencing from Thursday, 30th October. 30th and 31st October, 5.15 p.m., showing Fox film, drama in 7 parts, Maud [sic] Gilbert in 'The Fool's Revenge.'
There will be a matinee every day at 5.15 p.m. (Sundays excepted), commencing from Thursday 30th October. Today and tomorrow at 5.15 p.m., showing Fox film drama in 7 parts, Maude Gilbert in 'The Fool's Revenge.'
One night only, Thursday 6th November at 9.15 p.m., Maude Gilbert and William H. Tooker in 'The Fool's Revenge.' Matinee and 7.15 p.m., the last four parts of 'The Ne'er-Do-Well.' Booking at the theatre.
For one night only, Thursday, 6th November, 9.15 p.m., Maude Gilbert and William H. Tooker in 'The Fool's Revenge.' Matinee and 7.15 p.m., the last 4 parts of 'The Ne'er Do Well.' Booking at the Theatre.