Professor Maurice Charvet, who arrived by the French mail steamer to Hongkong from Paris to exhibit 'Cinematograph' and the 'Kinetoscope' the twin marvels of the age. These have never been shown in Hongkong or the Far East before. The pictures exhibited are 'Loie Fuller…
Last night, Professor Charver gave a luminary exhibition of the latest invention in phantasmagoria in St. Andrew's Hall to a select party of press representatives and other gentlemen. There is a description of the screening of Cinematograph: a long strip of photographic film is wound from…
The delicate and intricate mechanical arrangements combined with the elaborate and most modern of electrical appliances of the machine require such perfect adjustment and manipulation that Professor Maurice Charvet has decided to postpone his opening exhibition for one day.
Professor Maurice Charvet has decided to postpone his opening exhibition for one day. 'The Cinematograph' will be exhibited at St. Andrew's Hall (City Hall) tomorrow. It's the greatest marvel of the age. Admission: $1, children half-price.
The Cinematograph is the greatest marvel of the age. It will be exhibited under the personal supervision of Professor Maurice Charvet five sessions a day and each for an hour.
Today! 'The Cinematograph' will be exhibited, under the personal supervision of Professor Maurice Charvet, 5 sections a day. Admission: $1, children half-price.
The exhibitions of the Cinematograph at the City Hall were today witnessed by about 500 children from the Queen's College. Mr. W. Muskett gave a very lucid and graphic explanation of the pictures, while Professor Charvet has introduced a number of admirable pictures showing Corbett-Mitchell…
The Cinematograph continues to draw large attendances daily and nightly at St. Andrew's Hall. Mr. W. Muskett's lucid and interesting 'lecture' enhanced the pleasure of young people. Professor Charvet will shortly introduce an entirely new set of pictures.
The latest improved projecting machine in which the vibration so noticeable and trying to the eyes is now entirely eliminated. Views of the Queen's Jubilee in London will be the special feature of the Entertainment. The following scenes will be shown: A dispute between Bicyclists; The…
The Cinematograph for one night only. The latest improved projecting Machine in which the vibration so noticeable and trying to the eyes is now entirely eliminated. Views of the Queen's Jubilee in London will be the special feature of the Entertainment. The following scenes will be shown: A…
Matinee for children, when the Queen's Jubilee Views will be exhibited besides other interesting and amusing for the little folks. As for the 9.15 p.m. section, last opportunity to see the Queen's Jubilee Pictures and others so highly spoken of by the press. Booking at the Robinson…
The Cinematograph was a grand success. This was the last opportunity to see The Queen's Jubilee Pictures and other beautiful views; Seats can be reserved at W. Robinson & Company's Stores. Johnson & Charvet are the proprietors.
Messrs Johnson and Charvet repeated their exhibition of the Cinematograph at the Theatre Royal last night. The screened film includes 70 distinct photographs; The Spanish dance 'Bolero'; The Jubilee procession passing Green Park; the most comical and laughter provoking picture 'A…
It has been announced that Norma Whalley, the actress, who recently obtained a divorce from Sherrie Matthews, in New York, was married on August 2 to E. P. Clarke, son of Sir Edward Clarke, K.C. The ceremony took place in St. James' Church, Piccadilly.
The Bandmanns only stopped one night to perform. They were forced to perform in the Chinese Theatre in King Street, but the audience were enthusiastic. All the Penang ladies are longing for a fancy dress ball due to the charisma of the actors Harry Cole who played Jim Cheese.
Des Voeux Road (Opposite to Central Market) For a short season only. Commencing Tuesday, 24th March. 3 performances each evening. Walter E. Deaves' and Vaudeville Co. with English Marionettes. Tour of the World. Price and schedule details included.
Open-air cinematograph show in the hotel gardens every Saturday and Sunday; Assorted ices would be served on the Lawn during the performance
Two performances every night including magnificent comic and dramatic films; Performance from the French Artistes Mlle. Cecilia & Mr. C. Verari, and the talented singer and dancer of the Tivoli Theatre of Sydney, Miss Ph. E. MacDonald
The Victoria Cinematograph continues to enjoy popularity, The films at present being shown are new and entertaining, and Miss Phyllis E. Macdonald is a great favourite. Her catchy songs and choruses are much enjoyed.
The programme this week at the Victoria Cinematograph is both varied and interesting. Apart from the amusement provided by pictures. Miss Phyllis E. Macdonald, Miss Cecilia and Mr Verard both provided their fine vocal efforts.