Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne will entertain you at the Victoria Theatre in the tremendous Metro wonder serial, 'The Great Secret,' a very great serial in eighteen episodes. Look out for the date. A girl's fight for happiness is told in 'The Great Secret,'…
Mr D. Rodrigues, manager of the Far Eastern Film Service (Metro Pictures) has opened an office in Hongkong. His first film 'The Great Secret' featuring Frances Bushman, will be shown at the Victoria Theatre next week. Other pictures of the Metro series will be shown. Other pictures of…
Tuesday, 15th January, the great Metro serial, 1st and 2nd episodes of 'The Great Secret.' Also Pathe's Gazettes and Comics. Watch for the 'Seven Pearls' featuring Mollie King, Creighton Hale and Leon Barry. Booking at Anderson's. Note: Owing to so many seats booked…
On Jan 15, the great Metro serial, 1st and 2nd episodes of the 'Great Secret'; Pathe's Gazettes and comics; 'Watch for the Seven Pearls,' featuring Mollie King, Creighton Hale and Leon Bary; seats reservation details included.
Tonight, the great Metro serial, 1st and 2nd episodes of 'The Great Secret.' Also Pathe's Gazettes and comics. Watch for 'The Seven Pearls' featuring Mollie King, Creighton Hale and Leon Barry. Booking at Anderson's. Note: owing to so many seat books for Saturday…
On Thursday, the management of the Victoria Theatre will screen 'Lest We Forget,' an eight-act special Metro production. The star of 'Lest We Forget,' beautiful Rita Jolivet, was herself a passenger on the Lusitania on her ill-fated trip. It is a panorama of events now…
10th, 11th, 12th and 13th April, Metro's great 7 act special production, 'Lest We Forget,' starring Rita Jolivet. Booking at Anderson's. Prices as usual.
The World War and a woman is the fascinating theme of Metro's great 7-act special production, 'Lest We Forget,' starring the beautiful survivor of the Lusitania Disaster Rita Jolivet. Unanimously endorsed by New York Newspapers. Booking at Anderson's.
11th, 12th and 13th April, Metro's great 7 act special production, 'Lest We Forget,' starring Rita Jolivet. Booking at Anderson's. Prices as usual.
The management of the Coronet have much pleasure in announcing for tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m. their first big Metro picture, 'The Adopted Son,' a six-part super-feature of love and daring, starring Francis X. Bushman and Beverley Bayne. Although they are paying 50% more for these…
If Metros are as good as this, give us Metros all the time' was a remark heard at Tientsin at the first showing of 'The Adopted Son.' Showing tonight at the Coronet.
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., 'The Adopted Son' and 'The Pest.' At 7.15 p.m., 'The Bull's Eye,' episodes 8, 9 and 10. Booking at Robinson's. August 11 Remarks: On page 5, another ad. on Metro Pictures' 'The Adopted Son' only. Illustration…
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Metro presents Emmy Whelen [sic] in 'Vanity.' Usual prices. Booking at Robinson's.
Tonight, Metro presents Emmy Whelen [sic] in 'Vanity.' Booking at Robinson's.
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.10, Metro presents Emmy Whelen [sic] in 'Vanity.' Usual prices. Booking at Robinson's.
One of the best cinema programmes we have been in Hongkong is being shown now at the Coronet. On Saturday night a crowded house watched Emmy Wetler [sic], the beautiful Metro Star in the suspect play 'Variety.' In addition, there is a comedy.
Another fine Metro at the Coronet, 'His Father's Son' featuring Lionel Barrymore.
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Metro presents Lionel Barrymore in 'His Father's Son.' Usual prices. Booking at Robinson's.
Metro presents Lionel Barrymore in 'His Father's Son.' Booking at Robinson's.
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Metro presents Lionel Barrymore in 'His Father's Son.' Usual prices. Booking at Robinson's.