Report of the Committee of Management to be submitted to the annual meeting of shareholders in and subscribers to the City Hall. There is a detailed description of the theatre's building and some of the performances. For instance, during the twelve months from 1st July, 1896, to 30th June…
A report is to be submitted to the annual meeting of shareholders in and subscribers to the City Hall. There is a detailed description of the theatre's building and some of the performances. For instance, during the twelve months from 1st July, 1897, to 30th June 1898, the theatre was…
(No. 2 Zetland Street, Corner of Messrs Hosainali & Co.) Tonight. Friday, 4th June, 1909, at 9 p.m. Melle Felicie from Paris, will appear every evening in different dances.
(From Our Own Correspondent) Rev. F. B. Meyer and His Meetings - July 2nd. We have been favoured with the visit of a Cinematograph Show for three nights, Monday to Wednesday, June 28 to 30. This has been fairly well patronised and has been fully up to the average of these most enjoyable…
Premier hall of the colony (Des Voeux Road Central, Opposite Central Market). Schedule details included. Grand success of Miss Eva Hughes, Miss Winnie Ryan, Miss Madge Morris and Mr Jim Harvey. Friday, June 3, the magnificent film about King Edward's service procession in Shanghai. Coming:…
London, June 16 – There is great consternation in sporting circles over the attitude of the authorities in regard to the Jeffries-Johnson fight for the heavy-weight world's championship. For the moving pictures privileges alone, the sum of £30,000 has been fetched, but this is nothing…
Funeral procession of his late majesty King Edward VII at the Theatre Royal on Wednesday and Thursday, June 22nd and 23rd at 9 p.m. at sharp. Price details included. Booking at Messrs Moutrie & Co. Ld.
Premier hall of the colony (Des Voeux Road Central, Opposite Central Market). The wonderful Sadie, also Miss Myra James and Mr Sam Gale. Farewell appearances tonight or Miss Winnie Ryan. Tomorrow! Debut of Miss Laura Diamond. Monday, June 27th, debut of Miss May Lewis. Next week: a grand film of…
Premier hall of the colony (Des Voeux Road Central, Opposite Central Market). Schedule details included. The wonderful Sadie, also Miss Myra James and Mr Sam Gale. Tonight! Debut of Miss Laura Diamond. Monday, June 27th, debut of Miss May Lewis. Next week: a grand film of the most complete…
Berlin, June 23 – Herr Ballin, Director of the Hamburg-Amerika Line, was honoured by luncheoning with the Kaiser. Afterwards Herr Ballin showed his Majesty a series of cinematograph views of the mammoth liner being built for the Company.
Premier hall of the colony (Des Voeux Road Central, Opposite Central Market). Schedule details included. Grand success of Miss Laura Diamond. Monday, June 27th, debut of Miss May Lewis. The funeral production of King Edward VII are expected in day's time.
Jugglers, acrobats, and clowns performances by the Japanese Variety Co., beginning Monday, the 5th of June; 1st performance 7 p.m. admission: 30 and 20cents; 2nd performance 9.15 p.m. admission: boxes & dress circle $1.00, 1st class front seats 50, 2nd class back seats 30.
Tonight (Wednesday), 7th June, debut of the Eminent Soubrettes, the Two Colliers.
The management of the Victoria Cinematograph Theatre has kindly offered to give a free entertainment to the troops in Garrison at 16:30 p.m. on 22nd June (Coronation Day).
Wuchow, June 20 – On Monday night a big fight in a theatre resulted in the death of two and the wounding of eight others, including one woman.
A remarkable feat was achieved by the two local cinematograph shows on Saturday, when they were able to produce, just twenty-one days after the great event, the films of the Coronation procession which took place in London on the 22nd June last. The Bijou was the first to show the films at the…
(Flower Street) Saturday, 1st June, 1912 is the last day of the present season. Closing during the summer months. Opening on Saturday, 28th September, 1912.
Saturday, 1st of June, 1912; last night of the present season; closing during the summer months; opening Saturday 28th of September, 1912 with all new artists and pictures.
Canton, June 8 – The manager of the Tung Hing Theatre offered a bribe of $50 to the Chief Secretary of the Police Department with a request to reduce the number of policemen detailed for duty at the theatre. This matter was reported to the Superintendent of Police, who ordered that the proceeds…
A grand variety entertainment on Saturday, 22nd June, 1912 at 9:15 p.m. Price details included. Booking at Moutrie's & Co.