H.M.S. Rainbow's Mastodon Minstrels, are to make their first appearance before a Hongkong audience next Thursday evening at Theatre Royal, City Hall. While at the end of this month the Hongkong public will be enabled to witness the latest European scientific and artistic novelties in the…
The delicate and intricate mechanical arrangements combined with the elaborate and most modern of electrical appliances of the machine require such perfect adjustment and manipulation that Professor Maurice Charvet has decided to postpone his opening exhibition for one day.
The wonderful animatoscope will be on exhibition for a short time in Hong Kong, at No. 5, Arsenal Street, Queen's Road East, commencing from the 23rd January, and so forth. The Animatoscope is the Latest Invention of the Wizard Edison, and produces Pictures Life-Size and True to Nature,…
Carl Hertz has decided to give a farewell performances. There was a change of programme, new from start to finish, including presentation of the new illusion entitle 'Mephisto's Target.' This is the illusion which caused such a sensation at the theatre in London, where it was…
We would remind our readers of the entertainments to be given in the City Hall. All the Shanghai journals praised the new pictures and the new and improved method of showing them, and from all we hear the entertainment is likely to be most enjoyable.
The debtor said that the $1,500 loss on the Ko Shing Theatre was lost by him as a partner of that concern. He joined in January of February, 1904. He had been told by the manager of the theatre that he had not a cent of a share there now.
Canton, December 27 – There is one more new theatre by Shameen in Canton adjoining the Canton Club. The building is with modern style, and the construction details were discussed. The new Theatre will be opened on January 8th. Very detailed description of the theatre.
On Monday the 'Napoleon of the world's magicians' arrives in the Colony and will stay one week. This magician is from England and had made various performance before the Kings and presidents. His first part of the program is called 'creation and the second part will have a…
A question arose in the Legislative Council in February last as to the advisability of acquiring the City Hall from its proprietors so that the Government might enlarge the building to suit the needs and requirements of a growing community. The public demand a larger and more modern theatre,…
We are to have another exhibition of 'moving pictures' shortly. 'Smiling Metaner' writes us from Manila under date May 14, asking us to announce that he will be in Hongkong with the Britt-Nelson Fight pictures. In the meantime he expects to finish a very successful season in…
A fresh method of entertaining passengers on a long voyage is to be tried by an Italian steamship company. British ship owners have been approached time after time to install a bioscope, but they have turned a deaf ear to every project, and it had been left to a foreign company to initiate a new…
A cinematograph exhibition opened at Cafe Weismann. It is reported to be excellent, the mechanical arrangements being of the most modern type, and the pictures being of the best. Electric fans kept the air comfortably cool and altogether a pleasant attraction was offered.
At the Victoria Cinematograph saloon at the corner of Des Voeux Road and Pottinger Street a new series of pictures will be shown tonight. The collection came by the last mail, and are the latest produced. They are of the humorous, pathetic, and instructive kind and should be worth visiting.
An article about the process of cinematograph making. Starting from preparing stories, set design, filming, printing the negative, to sales and marketing from local to overseas.
At the Victoria Cinematograph, there is a troupe of Russian dancers and singers. On Saturday night a large audience once again demonstrated their warm approval of the songs and dances, and were also loud in their praise of a new set of films from Paris. Commencing tonight the Cinematograph…
Tonight at the Hongkong Cinematograph a new series of moving pictures will be produced. The films have just arrived from Paris and are comic, sensational and tragic in character.
The Victoria Cinematograph have received a number of new films by the last mail, among which the following are perhaps the best: 'A Gamble for a Woman,' 'Kamelia Dame,' 'The Darling of a Plotter' and the fantastic film 'A Modern Faust.'
Quite a diversion was caused at the Victoria Cinematograph on Tuesday night by a portion of a film catching fire and causing a lurid glare in the auditorium. A general rush for exit commenced, but was speedily checked by assurances from the reserved seats that there was no danger. In a very few…
Last Wednesday night films projecting in Alexandra Cinematograph, in Zetland Street, attracted many audiences, and the extraordinary amount of kissing amused the average spectators. The manager, Mr. Freriches, states that next week one of the best films yet shown will be produced for the first…
Hongkong is to have yet another cinematograph show, an arrangement has been made by Mr. Caslly [sic], an American gentleman, to open up such an establishment in Wyndham Street. It will be the endeavour of the proprietor to produce first-class performances, and patrons will be able to rely on an…