The world famed comedy duo. Steve Adson and Throne Jessie. In their inimitable Irish character sketch, Molly Doolan's Troubles. Comic and dramatic films. Last performance of Miss Cecilia Verard.
The world famed comedy duo. Steve Adson and Thorne Jessie. In their inimitable Irish character sketch, Molly Doolan's Troubles. Comic and dramatic films.
Films screenings including 'Madcap Molly', 'A Strange Peacemaking', 'The Glory of Wiffles' and 'Losing His Head', Pathe Gazette and Gaumont Graphic; Performances by Miss Cecile Stephano and Miss Violet Bonetta
Tonight at 9.15, 'Madcap Molly' (drama), a strange peacemaking; 'The Glory of Wiffles' (comic), losing his head; Pathe Gazette & Gaumont Graphic (news in pictures); performance by Stephano and Bonetta.
Programme at 9:15 p.m. including the dramas, 'Madcap Molly' and 'A Strange Peacemaking'; and the comics, 'The Glory of Wiffles' and 'Losing His Head.' News in pictures (of Pathe Gazette and Gaumont Graphic) is included. Performances by Miss Cecile Stephano…
On Jan 28, the thrilling and beautiful dramas, 'The Sin of Jean Perlot' and 'The Heart of Maggie Malone'; interesting Pathe's British Gazette, The French troops in Alsace, the marmot; comics, 'Youth Must Have Its Day,' 'Chips of the Old Block.'
The dramas, 'The Sin of Jean Perlot' and 'The Heart of Maggie Malone.' Interesting pictures including 'French Troops in Alsace' and 'The Marmot.' Pathe's British Gazette included. Comic including 'Youth Must Have its Day' and 'Chip of…
Films screenings including 'The Sin of Jean Perlot', 'The Heat of Maggie Malone', 'French Troops in Alsace', 'The Marmot', 'Youth Must Have Its Day' and 'Chip of the Old Block'; Screening of Pathe's British Gazette
Films screenings including 'The Sin of Jean Perlot', 'The Heat of Maggie Malone', 'French Troops in Alsace', 'The Marmot', 'Youth Must Have Its Day' and 'Chip of the Old Block'; Screening of Pathe's British Gazette
The dramas, 'The Sin of Jean Perlot' and 'The Heart of Maggie Malone.' Interesting pictures including 'French Troops in Alsace' and 'The Marmot' on Saturday, 29th January, 1916. Pathe's British Gazette included. Comics including 'Youth Must Have…
In point of plot and of acting 'The Sin of Jean Perlot' is one of the greatest successes Messrs Pathe have achieved. Other items include Pathe's British Gazette, the French Troops in Alsace, some comics and an American drama entitled 'The Heart of Maggie Malone.'…
A statement about the winter season of Victoria Theatre has been made by Mr. J. J. Blake, the manager. Concerning serial pictures were so much appreciated by cinema-goers, Mr. Blake has arranged to screen first 'The Grip of Evil,' with Jackie Saunders in the leading role. Other serials…
Mr J. J. Blake, the manager of that Victoria Theatre, informs us that great care has been taken in the choice of productions for the winter season. Great variety of films were obtained, including 'The Grip of Evil,' with Jack Saunders, 'The Fatal Ring' featuring Pearl White…
The Mystery of the Double Cross' will be screened at the Victoria Theatre on Friday. It is based on an original story by Gilson Willetts. Mollie King, one of the youngest stars, and Leon Bary, are the protagonists. This latest serial is a mystery serial, although it is said to contain…
A new serial star, Mollie King, will make her appearance on the screen in 'The Mystery of the Double Cross.' It's based on the original story by Gilson Willetts. William Parke was demanded to direct this serial for the Pathe Company. Also supported by Leon Bary. Film synopsis…
Screening of 'Mystery of the Double Cross' (1st and 2nd episodes) featuring Pathe's star Molly King
On Dec 7, the greatest and most sensational film ever screened, 'Mystery of the Double Cross,' featuring Molly [sic] King; Pathe's British Gazette; performance by Mdlle Rigoletto.
Screening of 'Mystery of the Double Cross' featuring Molly King and Pathe's British Gazettes; Performance by Melli. Rigoletti
Tonight: Screening of 'Mystery of the Double Cross' (1st and 2nd episodes) featuring Pathe's star Molly King
Tonight: Screening of 'Mystery of the Double Cross' featuring Molly King and Pathe's British Gazettes; Performance by Melli. Rigoletti