Professor Maurice Charvet, who arrived by the French mail steamer to Hongkong from Paris to exhibit 'Cinematograph' and the 'Kinetoscope' the twin marvels of the age. These have never been shown in Hongkong or the Far East before. The pictures exhibited are 'Loie Fuller…
The Cinematograph' was the latest and greatest success of London and Paris which will exhibit for a short season. There were five sessions a day, each scheduled for an hour. Admission price one dollar and children at half-price.
The Cinematograph' (The latest and greatest success of London and Paris) will exhibit for a short season, commencing Tuesday, the 27th April, 1897, for 5 sections each day. Admission: $1, children half-price.
An up-to-date Cinematograph is to open at the City Hall next Saturday night. The pictures will include views of the Jubilee Celebrations in London and interesting scenes from all parts of the world. Seats can be reserved at W. Robinson & Co's Music Rooms.
Matinee for children, when the Queen's Jubilee Views will be exhibited besides other interesting and amusing for the little folks. As for the 9.15 p.m. section, last opportunity to see the Queen's Jubilee Pictures and others so highly spoken of by the press. Booking at the Robinson…
Last night, an exhibition of the projectoscope was given by Professor Merrcovich in the rooms of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders. There was a small attendance. The names of machines for showing the animated pictures appear to be innumerable, and the projectoscope appears to be a…
Professor Mercovitch gave an exhibition of the projectoscope in Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, on Praya Central, last night. The rendition of a quartette entitled 'High Old Time,' exhibition of boxing, umbrella dance and 'Children's Toilet' caused amusement.…
An entertainment of a refined and pleasing character is provided on the Praya, in the vicinity of Pedder's Wharf. Lumiere's improved cinematograph is a decided advance on the exhibitions. A new assortment of pictures is shown, and the grotesque results obtained by reversing some of the…
A good music-hall programme was given last night in Theatre Royal. Owing to the illness of an important member of the company, viz, the lime-light man, the London Bioscope had to be omitted. Various artists performed included Mr. Bell: a comedian, Miss Delroy on dancing, Miss Maud Lita on…
March 11 to 16 from 2:30 p.m. daily. Stalls, exhibition and music are included. Music performances by H.M.S. Minotaur, K.O.Y.L.I., 8th Rajputs, 126th Baluchis, 25th and 26th Punjabis.
(Des Voeux Road Central) For a short season. The Hughes Musical Comedy Co. will open at the Victoria Theatre on March 13th with 'The Speculators.' Booking at Moutrie's.
March 11 to 16 from 2:30 p.m. daily. Stalls, exhibition and music are included. Music performances by H.M.S. Minotaur, K.O.Y.L.I., 8th Rajputs, 126th Baluchis, 25th and 26th Punjabis. Evening entertainments on 11th at 9:15 p.m., 12th at 7:30 p.m. and 13th at 9:15 p.m. including dinner, musicale…
(Des Voeux Road Central) The Hughes Musical Comedy Co. will open at the Victoria Theatre on March 13th with The Speculators. Performances by Fiddle Lee Dee. Late trams are served. Booking at Moutrie's. Price details included.
(Des Voeux Road Central) The Hughes Musical Comedy Co. at the Victoria Theatre with The Speculators. Performances by Fiddle Lee Dee. Late trams are served. Booking at Moutrie's. Price details included.
(Des Voeux Road Central) The Hughes Musical Comedy Co. at the Victoria Theatre with 'In Society.' Performances by The Dutchman and The Jew and Mdme Lloyd. Late trams are served. Booking at Moutrie's. Price details included.
(Des Voeux Road Central) The Hughes Musical Comedy Co. will present the farcical comedy, Two Men from Japan, on March 21, tonight. Extra performance by special request, The Texas Tommy Dance, on Saturday and Sunday. Matinees on Saturday and Sunday.
Performances by Miss Rosa Barnes, Mr Harry Gray, Miss Malvena Moore, Mr John R. Reynolds, Miss Agnes Freed, Don Frances and Frank Frances, Madame Weber, Mr Tom Queen, Miss Marie Barton and Mr Joe Somers. The Biograph showing all the latest stirring scenes from South Africa during the War. Harry…
Enthusiastic reception of beautiful illustrated songs, the Biograph, the Theatrophone and 12 star artists. Harry Gray is the Business Manager. Box plan at the Robinson Piano Co.
First grand change of programme with 12 star artists. Harry Gray is the Business Manager. Box plan at the Robinson Piano Co.
Entire change of programme. No repetitions. Dollar Tickets may be had of the colour-sergeants at the Barracks. Box plan at the Robinson Piano Co.