Tonight at 9.15 pm and for one night only, 'A Daughter of the People,' powerful drama of love, labour and redemption in 5 parts, featuring Saura [sic] Sawyer, Frederick de Belleville and Robert Broderick; the five part drama, with photo illustrations by Irvin Willat surrounds the life…
Mlle. Marie Louise Sterling continues her season at the Victoria Theatre, and the opportunity of seeing this talented classical dancer should not be missed. In addition to this attraction, the Victoria is showing a special Golden Rooster film, entitled 'Sunshine and Gold.' This picture…
Rasputin was responsible for a combat between two producers and playing an important role in the latest Pathe serial 'The Hidden Hand' showing at the Victoria Theatre. One of the producers accused the other of taking advantage of his original idea. The serial has four stars, including…
December 30th, 31st and January 1st, Annals of the War No. 54; 'Princess Romanoff' featuring Nance O'Neil, peerless Queen of stormy passion. December 30th and 31st, Mr. W. Gramby in his astounding scientific performances. Booking at Anderson's.
December 30 - January 1. Annals of the War No.54. 'Princess Romanoff' featuring Nance O'Neil, fearless queen of stormy passion. Mr. W. Gramby performs. Booking at Anderson's.
Tonight, Frank Keenan in 'Todd of the Times,' a fine comedy drama in five acts. Also Harold Lloyd in 'Billy Blazes, Esq.' October 11 Remarks: Matinees: today (2.15 and 5 p.m.), 'Lightning Raider' episodes 13 and 14; tomorrow, 'Fortune Hunters.' October 13…
Tonight, Frank Keenan in 'Todd of the Times,' a fine comedy drama in five acts. Harold Lloyd in 'Billy Blazes, Esq.' Matinee: 'Lightning Raider' and 'Fortune Hunters.' October 13 remarks: William Fox corporation presents Nance O'Neil in 'Princess…
Tonight, Frank Keenan in 'Todd of the Times,' a fine comedy-drama in five acts. Harold Lloyd in 'Billy Blazes, Esq.' October 11 Remarks: Matinees: Today 2.15 and 5, 'Lightning Raider' episodes 13 and 14; tomorrow, 'Fortune Hunters.' October 13 Remarks:…
Today's special matinee at 5 o'clock, 'Princess Romanoff.' It is in many aspects a most noteworthy William Fox's production featuring Nance O'Neil.
The Victoria Theatre is putting on a holiday programme this afternoon, comprising a super William Fox production, 'Princess Romanoff,' the story of which is based on 'Fedora,' by Victoria Sardon [sic]. Miss Nance O'Neil plays the part of Princess, supported by a cast of…
The Victoria Theatre announces a special matinee this afternoon at 5 o'clock. The bill comprises a William Fox super production entitled 'Princess Romanoff' , a fine story of Russian aristocracy based on 'Fedon' by Victoria Sardou. Miss Nance O'Neil plays the part…
A special holiday programme has been framed by the enterprising management of the Victoria Theatre for the enjoyment of the public. The super William Fox production 'Princess Romanoff,' starring Nance O'Neil, will be on the boards. The plot is based on 'Fedora' by…
Tonight at 9.15 p.m. only, J. Stuart Blackton and Albert E. Smith present America's daintiest actress, Anita Stewart in Robert W. Chambers' greatest story, 'The Girl Philippa,' a special Vitagraph feature in eight parts. Prices: $1.00 and 50 cents. 5.15 and 7.15 p.m., Nance O…
Commencing tonight at 9.15 p.m., Anita Stewart in Robert W. Chambers' greatest story, 'The Girl Philippa,' a special Vitagraph feature in 8 parts. Prices: $1.00 and 50 cents. At 5.15 and 7.15 p.m., Nance O'Neil and Theda Bara in 'Kreutzer Sonata.' Illustration and…
Today at 9.15 p.m., William Fox presents Nance O'Neil and Theda Bara in 'Kreutzer Sonata.' 5.15 and 7.15 p.m., Anita Stewart in 'The Girl Philippa,' a war drama in eight parts. Usual prices. Booking at the theatre.
Tonight at 9.15 p.m., William Fox presents Nance O'Neil and Theda Bara in 'Kreutzer Sonata.' 5.15 and 7.15 p.m., Anita Stewart in 'The Girl Philippa,' a war drama in 8 parts.
Today at 2.30, 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Metro presents Hamilton Revelle and Marguerite Snow in 5 breathless reels entitled 'The Half Million Bribe.' Also Billy West in the comedy everyone will talk about, 'The Band Master.'
Metro presents Hamilton Revelle and Marguerite Snow in five reels entitled 'The Half Million Bribe.' Billy West in the comedy everyone will talk about 'The Bandmaster.' January 31 remarks: 7.15 p.m performance 'The Romance of Tarzan.'
A most attractive film is being presented at the Hongkong Theatre entitled 'Lest we Forget.' Film synopsis included. Another fine production from Gilbert A. Hamilton [sic] entitled 'Are Passions inherited?' will be screened at Friday's matinee. It features Dorothy Farley…
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15, the first Metro picture, Hamilton Revelle in 'An Enemy to Society.'