Canton, 3rd Nov. – There was some trouble at the first Nicola's performance here at the Tung Hing Theatre a few nights ago, when there was a large attendance of Europeans. They tried to cause a panic and their plans were frustrated by the police.
Film screening of 'Atlantis' (8 parts, 12,000 ft); Debut of Prof. Nicolas Lenz & Company; Performance by Dora Lenz
For 4 nights only, the great sensational drama 'Atlantis' in 8 parts - length 12,000 feet; performance by Prof. Nicolas Lenz & Company and Miss Dora Lenz.
Performances by Prof. Nicolas Lenz & Company and Dora Lenz; Also a fine selection of Moving pictures; Coming film: 'Within the Lion's Reach'
Several very interesting films including a funny play let by Max Linder and Pathe's International Gazette are being shown just now at the Bijou. Nicolas Lenz performed for the first time last night. Miss Dora Lenz danced. 'Within the Lion's Reach' will be shown next Saturday…
Films screenings including 'Wthin the Lion's Reach' (3 parts, 5,000 ft); Performance by Prof. Nicolas Lenz & Company; Coming film: 'A Silent Messenger' (2 parts, 3,000 ft) and 'Traitors to Their King' (8,000 ft)
Within the Lion's Reach' is now being shown at the Bijou Theatre. Prof. Nicolas Lenz, Madame Pauline Lenz and Miss Dora Lenz's performances added to the variety of the excellent programme. Miss Dors Lenz will give the 'Sailors Hornpiper' on Saturday. Pathe's…
Performance by Prof. Nicolas Lenz & Company; Coming film screeening of 'A Silent Messenger' (2 parts, 3,000 ft), Pathe's British and American Gazette;
Performance by Prof. Nicolas Lenz & Company; Film screening of 'The Myatery of the Old Mill' (3 parts, 5,000 ft)
Tonight and tomorrow at 9.15 p.m., the great Nicola with his company of Magicians.
Commencing Saturday, the world's greatest magician and illusionist, Nicola, will appear at the Star. July 12 & 17 Remarks: Tickets $3, $2 & $1. Booking at Moutrie's. July 17, 23-24 Remarks: Illustration included.
Today at 9.15, the opening night of the great Nicola with his company of magicians.
Nicola, the world's greatest magician and illusionist. One week only starting tonight. A big show at popular prices $3, $2 and $1. Illustration included.
Star Theatre is going to host magician and illusionist, Nicola, along with his original company. Nicola is visiting the colony after eleven years and this season at the Star Theatre will commence from tonight at 9:15 pm and continuing nightly until further notice.
The famous magician and illusionist, Nicola, is appearing at the Star Theatre.
Nicola the Great, the magician who packed the Theatre Royal for several weeks ten years ago, is here. He is to open at the Star Theatre, Kowloon, this evening with the latest novelties in magic and a variety show to boot. Nicola carries with him a troupe of singers and dancers. Interview…
Nicola, the magician and illusionist opened his season at Star Theatre on Saturday night with a packed house. The performance lasted for two hours and consisted impersonation of the famous conjurers from other lands and a number of new tricks. Nicola was assisted by a funny-man and a couple of…
A detail description of the performance of a magician, Nicola, at the Star Theatre.
An enjoyable entertainment of magic and mystery was given at the Star Theatre last evening by Nicola, the well-known magician. Variety was given to the programme by the clever dancing and singing of the Dainty Davee.
Star Theatre continues to host magician and illusionist Nicola. Tomorrow, Nicola is going to perform his famous street stunt in which he will be in a straight-jacket and hanged by his feet in the air, undertaking to free himself from his bonds in the head downwards position. The display will…