The firm of Levy Hermoanos may be converted into a Company Ltd next year with 10 million francs. This firm had been extending to the East and opened 9 new branches. They are agents for the Richard Brasier motor-cars as well as for Pathe Freres Cinemagraphs and films. – 'Straits Times…
The Cinematograph in the rooms at the rear of Weismann's Café still flicks off pictures galore. The humourous views are an increasing source of amusement, and many others are decidedly entertaining. However from the scenic point of view the pictures are magnificently got up and are…
Cinematograph Pathe opened for the season; Film screening of 'Myrter's [sic] Spanish Inquisition'; Electric fans are provided, price details included.
The Cinematograph Pathe is to give exhibitions in the large hall at Cafe Weismann's on Saturday evening, commencing at 9. The show will be permanent, and the pictures will be changed constantly. The public will have the benefit of electric fans during the hot weather.
Cinematograph Pathe will open for the season in Weismann's Large Hall (entrance: Wyndham Street) on Saturday night next at 9 p.m. Performances every night. Films including 'Myrter's Spanish Inquisition.' Prices $1, and 50 cents; with electric fans.
A cinematograph exhibition opened at Cafe Weismann. It is reported to be excellent, the mechanical arrangements being of the most modern type, and the pictures being of the best. Electric fans kept the air comfortably cool and altogether a pleasant attraction was offered.
The Cinematograph Pathe opens tonight in Weismann's large hall in Wyndham Street. The films, we believe, are very good and of a wide variety.
The Cinematograph exhibition in Weismann's rooms on Saturday evening attracted a full house and gave great satisfaction. The pictures were clear and distinct.
Cinematograph Pathe will open for the season in Weismann's Large Hall (entrance: Wyndham Street) tonight at 9 p.m. Performances every night, including Sundays. Films including 'The Bell Ringer's Daughter.' Prices $1, and 50 cents; with electric fans.
Cinematograph Pathe opened for the season; Film screening of 'The Bell Ringer's Daughter'; Electric fans are provided, price details included
The Cinematograph entertainment in Weismann's Cafe attracted many people. The machine was an excellent one and showed the moving pictures with steadiness and brilliancy. The comic films were extremely amusing, the 'Electric Belt' in particular being screamingly funny. The '…
Cinematograph Pathe will open for the season in Weismann's Large Hall (entrance: Wyndham Street) tonight at 9 p.m. Performances every night, including Sundays. Entire change of programme on Saturday night, films including 'Cinderella and the Glass Slipper,' 'Hooligans of the…
Cinematograph Pathe opened for the season; Film screening of 'Cinderella and the Glass Slipper'; Electric fans are provided, price details included
Cinematograph Pathe opened for the season; Film screening of 'Cinderella and the Glass Slipper', matinee at 4 o'clock; Electric fans are provided; Children half price
Cinematograph Pathe opened for the season; Film screening of 'Cinderella and the Glass Slipper'; Electric fans are provided; Children half price, price details included
The change of programme at the Cinematograph exhibition at Weismann's Rooms. Including: 'Cinderella and the Slipper,' 'The Hooligans of the West' and ''The Desperate Girl'.'
Performances every night at 9 p.m. including Sundays. Saturday an entire change of programme showing 'Life and Passion of Christ' in 33 tableaux, details included.
Special Matinee for Children on Saturday, 3rd August, at 4 p.m.; Children half-price.
Performances every night including Sundays, matinee at 4 p.m.; Film screening of the 'Life and Passion of Christ' in 33 tableaux, detailed scenes titles were mentioned
Cinematograph Pathe will show 'Life and Passion of Christ' in 33 tableaux every night, also at Matinee on Saturday. Performances every night at 9 p.m. including Sundays.