The other week were published in the North-China Daily News particularly relating to the unaccountably early showing of two Charlie Chaplin features in Shanghai, 'The Kid' last summer and 'The Idle Class' during the present month. It was shown that Ramos Amusements Ltd. had…
Is it legal for an exhibitor on films in Shanghai to show a picture, the Chinese rights for which are already in the hands of another local firm of distributors? Asks the N.C.D. News. The question was raised in movie circles last July when the Ramos Amusement, Ld., the proprietors of the Olympic…
Several thousands of dollars damage was done by a fire which occurred in the centre of the town last night. It originated in the storeroom of Pathe's Orient in Zetland Street, and spread to the first floor of the Hongkong Electric Company's Installation department in the adjoining…
L'Atlantide' (the Queen of Atlantis) in 12 parts, Pathe orient picture. Children not admitted. Prices: $1.50 and $1.00. Soldiers and sailors in uniforms only half prices to stalls. Booking at the theatre. April 4 Remarks: Stacia Napierkowska as the mysterious queen. April 5 Remarks:…
The 'Atlantide' [sic] in 12 parts, Pathe Orient picture, will be shown at the World Theatre. Children not admitted. Film plot included. April 4-7 Remarks: Thd leading actress is Stasia Naperkovska [sic]. April 5 Remarks: Photo included.
Pathe's latest wonderful creation, 'Pathe-Baby,' the Cinema at Home. Complete Pathe-Baby outfit ready to work on 110 Volts current $60; Resistance for use with 200 Volts current $5; Pathe-Baby films each reel $1.5. April 14 - May 14 Remarks: Call for a demonstration at Pathe…
Pathe-Baby will amuse and instruct your children, entertain yourself and your friends. $60.00. Non-inflammable films $1.50. More than 400 subjects with Harold Lloyd, Charlie Chaplin and ‘Snub' Pollard. Also scientific, scenic and topical films. Demonstration and sale: Hongkong Hotel…
Wednesday 22ned to Saturday 25th August, 5.15 p.m. matinee, Robertson-Cole special, Bessie Barriscale in 'Life's Twist.' 9.15 p.m. show, Pathe Orient presents 'Atlantide' in 12 parts. Booking at the Theatre.
Wed. 22nd to Sat. 25th August, an extraordinary programme at usual price. At 5.15 p.m. matinee, Robertson-Cole special, Bessie Barriscale in 'Life's Twist.' At 9.15 p.m. show, Pathe Orient presents 'Atlantide,' in 12 parts. Booking at the Theatre. August 22-23 Remarks:…
In response to the many queries of our patrons as to why we did not increase our prices for 'Nanook of the North.' We have to give credit to Messrs Pathe Orient for their very reasonable charge for this picture.
Wednesday 22nd to Saturday 25th August, at extraordinary programme at usual price, 5.15 p.m. matinee, Robertson-Cole special, Bebe Barriscale in 'Life's Twist.'; 9.15 p.m. show, Pathe-Orient present 'Atlantide,' 12 parts. Usual prices. Booking at the theatre.
Think what your home will be like when Pathe-Baby takes its place there with its boundless educational possibilities as well as its power of entertainment: your children will be captivated by the living lessons of the screen which will make them realize what they are taught at school: Niagara…
It has been built like a precise machine, and no pain, trouble, or time have been spared to present you a perfect machine working with mathematical regularity and projecting a clear and sharp picture for the enjoyment of yourself and your family. Pathe-Baby, films will not burn, on sale at A.…
Pathe-Baby will occupy but a few square inches of space on your table. It will be an event in the life of your children which in importance will make the price seem trifling. Price: $60.00. Complete with aluminium coated screen. Additional resistance. For 200/220 colts $7.00. Films $1.50 per…
Even if you try to light a Pathe-Baby film with a match, it will not burn, but only melts, thus showing its absolute safety. Call and ask us to demonstrate or let us send you a piece of the film and try it yourself. Pathe-Orient, 12, Queen's Road, Central, Hongkong.
Compactness, precision, mechanical perfection, efficient optical system, simplicity of operation, automatic rewinding, no threading of films. Pathe-Baby films will not burn. Pathe-Baby complete $60.00. Additional resistance for 200/220 c. $7.00. Pathe-Baby films $1.50 each. On sale: A. Tack…
Even if you do not want a Pathe-Baby, your boy wants it because he thirsts for knowledge and Pathe-Baby will give him much through its instructive and scientific films. On sale: A. Tack's, Hongkong Hotel Electric Department, Sincere's, etc. Demonstrations gladly given. Write today for…
When Pathe-Baby takes its place there with its boundless educational possibilities as well as its power of entertainment: your children will be captivated by the living lessons of the screen which will make them realize what they are taught at school: Niagara Falls, the Etna Eruption, the Ruins…
Fully equipped $60.00, films $1.50 each. Pathe-Baby for the visual education of your children and their entertainment. On sale: A. Tack's, Hongkong Hotel Electric Department, Sincere's and Leading Dealers. Pathe-Orient, 12, Queen's Road, Central, distributors for South China, will…
The biblical scenes of Pathe-Baby religious series will have the moral truths so firmly established in the minds of the children that they will be seen and remembered as facts. Pathe-Baby, fully equipped $60.00, films $1.50 each. Descriptive booklet and list of films sent free of charge. Pathe-…