We understand that the Victoria Cinematograph is offering two performances for the benefit of the poor of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul; one today and the other on 2nd Feb.
The Victoria Cinematograph is giving two performances on behalf of the poor under the charge of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. A special attractive programme has been arranged and a good house is expected as it is for the benefit of the poor.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul sent us a statement showing that the benefit performance given on their behalf by the Victoria Cinematograph returned them a net sum of $100.50. The Society tender heartfelt thanks to Messrs Ramos and Ramos, the proprietors of the Cinematograph.
The Hon. Secretary, Mr. Jose M. de Graca writes about the two performances offered by the 'Victoria Cinematograph,' and writes about the profit and the cost for the performance. The Committee of the Society wanted to thank Messrs. Ramos y Ramos [sic], the proprietors.
Grand cinematograph show will be exhibited during the evening and night
The al fresco fete in the grounds of the Roman Catholic Cathedral last night was crowded. The good cause of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was liberally benefitted. Both the shooting gallery and cinematograph were largely patronised.
The productions staged at the Victoria Theatre under the auspices of Hughes American Musical Comedy Company have convulsed large audience with laughter. 'Society' was presented last night. The performance was offered by Messrs Paul Stanhope and Bert Le Blane, Madame Pearl Lloyd and Mr…
To be held in the compound of the Roman Catholic Cathedral on Sunday, 3rd November from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.; Grand Cinematograph show will be exhibited during the evening and night.
In aid of Society of St. Vincent de Paul on Sunday, 3rd November, from 9 to 11 p.m. Price details included. Stalls can be inspected from 2 to 7 p.m. Cakes and refreshments are served during evening and night. Performance by the band of King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry from 9 to 11 p.m.…
In aid of the funds of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to be held in the compound of the Roman Catholic Cathedral on Sunday; 3rd Nov from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. under the most distinguished patronage of His excellency the Governor Sir Francis, Henry May and Lady May; admission ticket $ 1.00 which…
At the Roman Catholic Church compound yesterday, the annual al fresco fete in connection with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was held. The cinematograph exhibition kindly given by Pathe Freres, was the means of attracting many stray dollars.
The Committee of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul report that the proceeds of the recent Al fresco fete amounted to $2,600 net. They wish to thank Messrs. Pathe Freres for their cinema exhibitions.
Mr. Fred B. Smith and Mr. Raymond Robins are on a world tour in a 'men and religion forward movement' and visit YMCA. They have a meeting in the City Hall and accompanied by the Messrs. Paul J. Gilbert, P.H. Metcalf, C.M. Keeler and Ed. W. Peck. Raymond Robins dealt with the social…
New York, Feb. 12 – A School for Dramatic Art for Animals has been started at Fort Lee, N.J., by Paul Bourgeois for the benefit of cinematograph companies. He has a collection of various animals, including lions and elephants.
The Chief Justice, Sir W. Rees Davies, K. C. heard a case in which Ho Chiu Lam, alias Ho You Tong claimed as partner in the Po Cheung of Canton, and the Wah Kee of Hongkong against his brother Ho San Kam, alias Ho Ngok Lau, the defendant, for dissolution of partnership entered into by the…
A case was called on for hearing at Madras, in which Mr. K. A Mirza, agent to the firm of Madan and Co., Calcutta, a supplier of films to the Empire Cinema, charged Sir Mark Anton, Mrs. Wadia, and 3 other assistants of Sir Mark Anton. Mirza complained that these people had used criminal forces…
The use and abuse of the cinematograph are being discussed at the local education authority in the U. K. Rev. F. B. Meyer (headmaster of Eton), Winchester and Rugby, the Earl of Meath and Sir Albert Rollit. They believe that the moving pictures can be 'disastrous' if not carefully…
The orchestra for the Victoria Cinematograph Theatre was expected to arrive yesterday by the French Packet Paul Lecat but did not do so. It is believed the musicians will be here by the next semester. The Victoria continues to exhibit films showing the most recent world events and interesting…
A large number of Japanese is now migrating from this coast, says the Daily Colonist. K. Marawoss, heads a party of 104 Japanese from all around America, sailing aboard for the Orient in order to search brides. The leaders of the party plan a publicity campaign in Japan, and will show by moving…
The 'Oko' machine is opening up the whole range of cinematography to the amateur as it can take photographs and projects them on the screen. It also replaces the large amount of film with a small wide piece of film which helps saving costs so that it may develop the educational side of…