Nero is drawing great crowds at the Coronet. Charles Sarver and Virginia Tracy were the authors of the story. The cast included Jacques Gretillat, Alexander Salvini, Paulett Duval, Edy Darcleo [sic], Violet Mersereau. Film plot included.
The burning of Rome, as depicted in 'Nero,' is remarkable. The number and size of the building destroyed and the powerfully natural way the effect is fitted into the picture, lift it into a new field of achievement. The authors of the story, Charles Sarver and Virginia Tracy have…
Camille,' the Nazimova production which will be shown today at the Queen's Theatre, has been modernized for the screen in an adaptation by June Mathis, who wrote the continuity for the Rex Ingram production for Metro of 'The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse' and 'The…