The Bijou is showing interesting pictures of the fight between Hyland and Battling Nelson, in which the latter won in the 23rd round.
There was a complete change of programme on Saturday in the Bijou. Performances by Miss Vera Ferrace and Miss Ruby Chrystal. The biorama was an interesting one, especially the grand opera 'Carmen,' and the funny picture 'Double sight,' represented by the well-known Max Linder…
The Great Championship Fight - Nelson v. Hyland, from this date at 5.30 and 7 p.m.; Tonight 9.15 p.m., a complete change of programme and pictures; performances by Miss Vera Ferrace and Miss Ruby Crystal. The Biorama: 'Carmen,' 'Seal Hunting off Tasmania,' 'Double Sight…
There is an extraordinary rush at the Victoria Theatre. Changes of programme now take place every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. On Friday night a gala performance will be given for the benefit of Prof. Madariaga. Peggy and Rose, the artists, will appear for the first time. 'The Secret of the…
Four magnificent pictures will be screened; Performances by Pedro Madariaga, Kitty Raynor, Olga Montez, Prof Estella, Mr Madariaga, Prof. Gonzalez, Sister Peggy and Rosey
Grand comedy and band night; Screening of Pathe's Great Comedy 'Lend Me Your Wife', 'See Wilful Peggy', 'The Famous Police Dog' (Cartoon) and 'Father Was a Loafer'; Performance by Dr. Rowe and Mora
On Sep 4, grand comedy & band night: Pathe's great comedy 'Lend Me Your Wife' in 2 parts by Max Linder and John Bunny; 'Wilful Peggy,' a scream; 'The Famous Police Dog,' cartoon; 'Father was a Loafer'; performance by Rowe & Mora.
Screening of 'Black Box Mystery', Comics: 'Wiffles and the Tell Tale Screen', 'Wilful Peggy', 'Dad's Boy', 'Emder of Nets' and 'Flowers under the Cines Magic Wand'; Performance by Dr. Rowe and Mora
On Sep 5, 'The Black Box Mystery' [sic] in 3 parts; performance by Rowe & Mora; comics: 'Wiffles & the Tell-Tale Screen'; 'Wilful Peggy'; 'Dad's Boy'; dramatic: 'Mender of Nets'; interesting: 'Flowers under the Cine's Magic…
Tonight: Screening of 'Black Box Mystery', Comics: 'Wiffles and the Tell Tale Screen', 'Wilful Peggy', 'Dad's Boy', 'Emder of Nets' and 'Flowers under the Cines Magic Wand'; Performance by Dr. Rowe and Mora
On Sep 5, 'The Black Box Mystery' [sic] in 3 parts; performance by Rowe & Mora; comics: 'Wiffles & the Tell-Tale Screen'; 'Wilful Peggy'; 'Dad's Boy'; dramatic: 'Mender of Nets'; interesting: 'Flowers under the Cine's Magic…
Special programme on Nov 1 and 2, performance by Ambrose and Peggy Braker.
Spceial performance by Ambrose & Peggy Barker
Special performance by Ambrose & Peggy Barker; Screening of 'Revue Mad' and 'The Ferocious Murks'
Last night of special performance by Ambrose & Peggy Barker; Screening of 'Revue Mad' and 'The Ferocious Murks'
Performance by Ambrose and Peggy Barker; extra strong pictures, 'The Ferocious Murks,' a sensational drama in 5 parts, never screened before in Hongkong.
Tonight will be last night in which the picture 'The Ferocious Murks' will be shown. At Bijou, Ambrose and Peggy Barker will appear.
Tonight by special request of special performance by Ambrose & Peggy Barker; Screening of 'Revue Mad' and 'The Ferocious Murks'
On June 1, 3rd & 4th series of 'Who's Guilty,' 'The Tangled Web' and 'The Silent Shame'; Pathe's American Gazette and Pathe's British Gazette, 'The Great War'; comics: 'Dizzy Heights & Daring Hearts' (triangle Keystone, 2…
Screening of 'Who's Guilty' (3rd & 4th Series), Pathe's British and American Gazettes, 'The Great War', Comics: 'Dizzy Heights & Darling Hearts' and 'The Invisible Thief'; Coming film: 'Peggy'