Shameen, November 8 – Illuminations: At 9:30 in the evening another concert was given by the band, accompanied by a cinematograph entertainment, which was thoroughly enjoyed. The grounds of the Consulate were beautifully set off above the main gateway. A word of praise is due to Consul Fox for…
The management of the Victoria Theatre has engaged Mr Ralph Brown who is walking around the world to appear for two nights only, Wednesday and Thursday, in 'Something New.'
(Des Voeux Road Central) From 7:15 to 8:45 p.m. and 9:15 to 11:15 p.m. New and magnificent films. Performance by The Harmonious Huxhams tonight. Debut by Mr Frank Brown on Wednesday for two nights only. Matinees on Saturdays and Sundays at 4:30 p.m.
(Des Voeux Road Central) From 7:15 to 8:45 p.m. and 9:15 to 11:15 p.m. The finest and coolest hall in the colony. Performance by The Harmonious Huxhams tonight. Debut of Mr Ralph Brown for two nights only. Matinees on Saturdays and Sundays at 4:30 p.m. Harris and Vernon are coming.
Miss Lynda Davis, the band of K.O.Y.L.I. and H.M.S. Merlin performed in Victoria Theatre. Mr Clair Brown appeared for the first time in Hongkong and created a favourable impression.
Tonight 9.15 p.m. special attraction of two new artists' first appearance in Hongkong: Miss Gladys Porter and Miss Dellie Connor; Max Linder in 'Love Unconquerable,' Prince in 'The Matrimonial Agencies.'
In spite of counter attractions, the Bijou had a large and enthusiastic audience on Saturday to welcome Miss Dellie Connor and Miss Gladys Porter.
The two new lady artistes, Miss Dellie Connor and Miss Gladys Porter, sang pretty songs last night at the Bijou theatre. The films are decidedly entertaining, particularly those dealing with the ever-popular Nick Winter, Wiffles and Max Linder. The pictures of the Mediterranean Coast of Franco…
Tonight at 9.15 p.m., the great sensational drama 'The Platform of Death Feat'; Performance by Miss Gladys Porter and Dellie Connor; 7.15 p.m. pictures only
Tonight, the Bijou will screen a specially exciting drama, 'The Last Performance,' in which is shown the startling mechanical effect known as 'The Platform of Death.' There will be performances by Miss Porter and Miss Dellie Connor.
(Flower Street) The last performance introducing to Hong Kong, The Platform of Death Feat. Max Linder as an artist, 'Nick Winter and the Banker.' Debut of Miss Gladys Porter and Miss Dellie Connor. Pictures only at 7:15 p.m.
The great sensational drama, 'The Last Performance' is introducing to Hongkong, 'The Platform of Death Feat'; Max Linder as an Artist, Nick Winter and the Banker, All Through the Turkey; performances by Gladys Porter and Dellie Connor; 7.15 p.m. picture only.
Special attraction, a sensational drama and 'A Farm-House Romance' by Max Linder; Musical interludes by Miss Dellie Connor and Miss Gladys Porter
The Bijou promises a great draw tonight 'Won Through Waiting' [sic] – a drama that comes from Europe with a fine reputation. Max Linder supplies the comic relief, and how funny he is needing no telling. The Misses Connor and Porter Appear in new songs.
Special attraction tonight, the famous sensational drama (art cinema, coloured, length 8000 feet), 'Won through Waiting'; and also 'A Farm House Romance' by Max Linder, musical interludes by Dellie Connor and Gladys Porter.
(Flower Street) 3000 feet art cinema-coloured film, 'Won Through Waiting!' and 'A Farm House Romance' by Max Linder. Debut of Miss Gladys Porter and Miss Dellie Connor.
With excellent programme shown last night, large houses should be the order at the Bijou Scenic Theatre this week. The capital pictures that are exhibited include one in two parts entitled 'Won through Waiting,' which is one of Pathe Freres' beautifully coloured productions. the…
Programmes at 9.15 p.m. Tonight: 'The Sisters Steelman, Acrobats', 'Wipples, The Tenor', 'An Entente Cordiale' by Max Linder, 'Her Ladyship's Dog' and 'Chateaux of Touraine' with cinema-colour art; Performance by Miss Gladys Porter and…
Picture: 'The Sisters Steelman, Acrobats'; song by Gladys Porter; picture: Wiffles, The Tenor; song by Dellie Connor; picture: 'An Entente Cordiale' by Max Linder; song by Gladys Porter; picture: 'Her Ladyship's Dog'; song by Dellie Connor; picture: '…
Five new pictures and double turns by the two popular artistes Miss Dellie Connor and Miss Gladys Porter were shown last night at the Bijou. The films include two more 'Wiffles' scenes, and another in which the ever-popular Max Linder appears in company with Harry Fragsons. The…