The firm of Levy Hermoanos may be converted into a Company Ltd next year with 10 million francs. This firm had been extending to the East and opened 9 new branches. They are agents for the Richard Brasier motor-cars as well as for Pathe Freres Cinemagraphs and films. – 'Straits Times…
It was a private view of the wonderful photographs taken of wild birds on their nests, feeding their young, etc. by Messrs. Richard and Kearton. The photographs were taken by a bioscope. They were run through in film form on the bioscope machine.
London, December 3 – In General: Now that the bidding for the Johnson-Jeffries contest is over. The accepted bid of Tom Richards is certainly generous, and with a purse of £20,200 and 66 percent of the profit on the cinematograph to be split up, the fighters will reap a golden harvest.
Performance by Moore; Tom Richards, the Rag Time King will open on Wednesday next for one week only; pictures only.
Performance by Nora Moore and the popular comedian, Tom Richards; 7:15 pm pictures only
Film screening of 'Holy State' (coloured films, 4,000ft); Performance by Nora Moore; The popular comedian - Tom Richards; 7:15 pm pictures only
A very fine coloured film 4,000 feet ling is being shown at the Bijou Theatre tonight. Performance by Miss Nora Moore and Tom Richards.
Miss Nora Moore, the popular soprano, is still the special attraction at the Bijou Theatre, also Tom Richards, the comedian. A very fine coloured film entitled 'The Holy State' (4000 ft. long) is being exhibited from tonight.
Every evening at 9:15 p.m. Special engagement of Miss Nora Moore. A coloured film, 'Holy State' in 4,000 feet long, on Saturday, 19th inst. Performance by Tom Richards. Pictures only at 7:15 p.m.
Performance by Moore; last two nights of Tom Richards; 7.15 p.m. pictures only.
This is a report from an American newspaper. Richard Consadine ran away from home. His brother James Consadine went to a moving picture show in Chicago and saw the photo of his brother in it. The mother has written the local police asking them to help her find the boy.
Dr. Richard Rowe and the Mystic Mora will perform at the Victoria Theatre tomorrow night.
Performance by the Great White Mahatma Company, Dr. Richard Rowe; Film screening 'Romona' featuring Mary Pickford
A large audience was attracted to the Victoria Theatre by the performance of Dr. Richard Rowe and 'Mora' with hand tricks and answering questions of audiences. The pictures included further episodes of the 'Black Box' and 'Romona' [sic].
Screening of 'The Adventures of Nat Pinkerton' for three nights only, Pathe's British Gazette (Latest incidents) and Great War Pictures (The Achillion property of the Kaiser now in the hands of the Allies); Performance by Dr. Richard Rowe
Screening of 'The Adventures of Nat Pinkerton' for the last two nights, Pathe's British Gazette (Latest incidents) and Great War Pictures (The Achillion property of the Kaiser now in the hands of the Allies); Performance by Dr. Richard Rowe
Performance by Halanai; Padre's 'Father,' sensational drama in 4 parts; 'A Terrible Alternative,' detective drama; performance by Richard Rowe on tomorrow night.
Performance by the Great White Mahatma Company, Dr. Richard Rowe and Mora, and New Pictures
Performance by the Great White Mahatma Company, Dr. Richard Rowe and Mora; Picture Programme: Mary Pickford in an Indian love drama and Miss Mabel Normand in a drama of intense interest
Performance by The Great Mahatma Company, Dr. Richard Rowe, Mystic Mora, Koko The Queen of Magic, How Gamblers Win and The Spirit Cabinet; Mark Pickford and Mable Normand on pictorial star photoplays