Carl Hertz has decided to give a farewell performances. There was a change of programme, new from start to finish, including presentation of the new illusion entitle 'Mephisto's Target.' This is the illusion which caused such a sensation at the theatre in London, where it was…
Carl Hertz, the great London conjuror presented new tricks. First presentation on the Great Illusion 'Mephisto's Target' assisted by Mdlle D'Alton. New Series of Pictures on the Cinematographe: 'The Queen's Jubilee Procession,' 'The English Cricketers in…
New change of programme by Carl Hertz and Mdlle. D'Alton. Entirely new, popular, and pleasing subjects of new pictures. The Cinematographe showing The Queen's Jubilee Procession, The English Cricketers in Australia and Rugby Football Match, 20 new subjects. Mr. Hertz will perform at…
Carl Hertz, the great London conjuror presented new tricks. First production of Mephisto's Target, a new illusion. Cinematographe: 'The Queen's Jubilee Procession,' 'The English Cricketers in Australia' and 'Rugby Football Match.'
The two farewell performances by Carl Hertz. The pictures showing The Queen's Jubilee Procession, The English Cricketers in Australia and Rugby Football Match. Mr. Hertz will perform at Canton Club Theatre, next Thursday evening, one night only.
Last night of Carl Hertz, Mdlle D'Alton and the Cinematographe of 'Queen's Diamond Jubilee' and 'English Cricketers.' Booking at the Robinson Piano Co.
Last performance by Carl Hertz and Mdlle. D'Alton, and the Cinematographe. Entire change of programme, showing Queen's Diamond Jubilee and English Cricketers. Booking at the Robinson Piano Co.
Tonight, Carl Hertz bids good-bye to the Hongkong public. A special farewell programme has been arranged including his latest illusion 'Mephisto's Target,' new tricks, new songs by Mdlle D'Alton and new picture on the Cinematographe [sic], which will include the Queen's…
Ada Delroy Company's fourth tour round the world. Tonight and Tomorrow night. Change of programme, including The English Derby, Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race, Final for the English Football Cup and The Transvaal War. Also a psychological bewilderment of 'The White Mahatma.'…
Change of programme. The Transvaal War and a series of other pictures all new to Hongkong in the London Bioscope, including 'The Late Derby.' 'Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race,' 'Final for the English Football Cup' and 'The White Mahatma.' Positively the…
L. S. Robert Willa, (No. 63) placed Pang Kai before Mr. Haseland, at the Police Court on Monday, charged with assaulting him whilst in the execution of his duty at the Ko Shing Theatre on the 29th ultimo. Wills stated that defendant, while in the theatre, would not sit down, thereby obstructing…
Arrangements have been made for a meeting at the City Hall on Dec 7 between Billy Bellew and Roberts of the Dockyard Police. On Thursday nest Billy meets Taff Childs, and they are expected to go 10 rounds for a side stake of 200 at the Victoria Cinematograph.
The Hong Kong cinematograph proprietor has secured a number of new films lately, and to add to the attractions of the place in Dex Voeux Road three lady artistes favour with songs-French and English. The pictures are varied and excellent.
Tonight! Tonight! First appearance in Hongkong of Prof. Carl Rozello, the entertaining English magician and society entertainer. Performances by Melle Yvonne D'Arthis, Miss Nellie Loftus, Little Miss Irene. New films, humoristic and sentimental. Machado's String Band. Time 9 to 11.…
A Russian troupe is the latest attraction at the Victoria Cinematograph, and last night the members of the troupe made their debut. Master Sonha [sic] and Miss gave an excellent cake-walk, while the singing (in Russian and English) of the Miss Nudina, Lisa and Luba and Master Lonha [sic] were…
Des Voeux Road (Opposite to Central Market) For a short season only. Commencing Tuesday, 24th March. 3 performances each evening. Walter E. Deaves' and Vaudeville Co. with English Marionettes. Tour of the World. Price and schedule details included.
The only Chinese actor in America appearing in an English speaking company is Ah Sam, who plays Sing Wing as William Collier's support in 'Caught in the Rain' at the Victoria theatre on Monday (says the 'Daily Colonist,' Vancouver). Ah Sam was born and raised in Hong…
Engel Troupe. Russian dancers. New English songs. Change of programme every second day. Two performances nightly. Schedule details included. Tickets can also be obtained at the Robinson Piano Co. Don't forget the address: Des Voeux Road (Pottinger Street Corner).
Special programme for tonight. Debut of the celebrated artist Miss Viola C. Cooper. New English and German songs.
Miss Viola C. Cooper. New English and German songs. Tonight and tomorrow night. Last two appearances of the Misses Diamond & Montez.